JAF Bernini Sans

Wayfinding for Go Asia supermarket, Stuttgart, designed by KleinS

Highland Spring ad campaign, designed by Juice

Highland Spring ad campaign, designed by Juice

Identity for architectural studio MWAH, designed by Perrine Rousselet

Bernini Sans, the main typeface in the OECD identity

Signage in Aberdeen city centre, designed by Momentum Wayshowing

Signage in Aberdeen city centre, designed by Momentum Wayshowing

Source: bodyfeet.ch

Source: dynatrace.com

Identity for music group Frittenbude, designed by Musclebeaver

Identity for music group Frittenbude, designed by Musclebeaver

Giornale di Brescia, daily newspaper from Brescia, Italy

Giornale di Brescia, daily newspaper from Brescia, Italy

Markets Germany”, a journal by GTAI

Markets Germany”, a journal by GTAI

Markets Germany”, a journal by GTAI

Human Rights Festival branding, designed by Two Digs

Source: personalcapital.com

Seiko, using a customized version of JAF Bernino Sans

“Trage post voor Anna Johanna”, designed by Sander Pinkse Boekproductie

Source: bz-berlin.de

News display in Berlin subway trains

HBKsaar corporate identity

HBKsaar corporate identity

Museum – A House for Learning” by Péter György, designed by Lead82

Museum – A House for Learning” by Péter György, designed by Lead82

Museum – A House for Learning” by Péter György, designed by Lead82

Source: walter-werner.de, designed by Haag Marketing & Design

“Alles außer süß”, designed by Veedelswerk

“Alles außer süß”, designed by Veedelswerk

“Another Belfast”, designed by Two Digs

“Another Belfast”, designed by Two Digs

Business card, designed by Bigger

Source: jlg.com

Source: oecd360.org

UI Design for the ChowNow food ordering platform, designed by Assembly Co.

Run for Something brand identity, designed by Ragtag

Mattersburger Kreis, designed by kkk

Source: littlerookies.com

Libertà, daily newspaper from Piacenza, Italy

Libertà, daily newspaper from Piacenza, Italy

Source: hps-bike.com

Baker McKenzie, using a customized version of JAF Bernino Sans

Baker McKenzie, using a customized version of JAF Bernino Sans

Baker McKenzie, using a customized version of JAF Bernino Sans

Bad Banks, award-winning TV drama

HBKsaar exhibition invitation

JAF Bernini Sans is a type system with two sub-famil­ies: JAF Bernino Sans and JAF Bernina Sans. JAF Bernino Sans’s finely balanced weight distri­bu­tion and open shapes make it a great text face, while the wide variety of weights and widths provide the designer with a power­ful toolbox for head­ings and display typo­graphy. JAF Bernina Sans is a more informal version with altern­ate letter­forms, such as round dots and a double-storey g.
  • JAF Bernino Sans, Lightfrom €39

    Bangers and mash, also known as sausages and mash, is a tradi­tional British dish made of mashed potatoes and sausages, the latter of which may consist of a variety of flavoured sausage made of pork or beef or a Cumberland sausage. Sausage making is a logical outcome of efficient butchery.

    This dish, even when cooked at home, may be thought of as an example of pub grub, meaning it is relatively quick and easy to make in large quantities. More up-market varieties, with exotic sausages and mashes, are sold in gastropubs, with less sophisticated alternatives being available in regular public houses (pubs). The term “bangers” is attributed (in common usage in the UK) to the fact that sausages made during World War I, when there were meat shortages, were made with such a high water content that they were more liable to pop under high heat when cooked. Traditionally, sausage makers would salt various tissues and organs such as scraps, organ meats, blood, and fat to help preserve them. They would then stuff them into tubular casings made from the cleaned intestines of the animal, producing the characteristic cylindrical shape. Hence, sausages, puddings, and salami are among the oldest of prepared foods, whether cooked and eaten immediately or dried to varying degrees.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Light Italicfrom €39

    A traditional Swedish smörgås­bord consists of both hot and cold dishes. Bread, butter, and cheese are always part of the smörgåsbord. It is customary to begin with the cold fish dishes which are generally various forms of herring, salmon, and eel. After eating the first portion, people usually continue with the second course (other cold dishes), and round off with hot dishes. Dessert may or may not be included in a smörgåsbord.

    It is customary to eat particular foods together; herring is typically eaten with boiled potatoes and hard-boiled eggs and is frequently accompanied by strong spirits like snaps, brännvin or akvavit with or without spices. Other traditional foods are smoked eel, rollmops, herring salad, baked herring and smoked salmon. Lutfisk, lyed fish made of stockfish (dried ling or cod served with boiled potato and thick white sauce) and green peas that can be served with the warm dishes or as a separate fourth course. Lutfisk is often served as dinner the second day after the traditional Christmas Yule-table dinner. Julbord desserts include rice pudding (risgrynsgröt), sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Traditionally, an almond is hidden in the bowl of rice porridge, and whoever finds it receives a small prize or is recognized for having good luck. Julbord is served from early December until just before Christmas at restaurants and until Epiphany in some homes.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Regularfrom €39

    Thüringer Klöße werden traditionell zum Sonntags­braten zusammen mit verschiedenen gekochten Kraut­sorten, besonders Sauerkraut oder Rotkohl serviert. Kloßrezepte sind traditionell im Raum Thüringen, Franken, Sachsen, sowie im Vogtland verbreitet und sind dort ein Bestandteil der regionalen Kultur.

    Kloßrezepte sind traditionell im Raum Thüringen, Franken, Sachsen, sowie im Vogtland verbreitet und sind dort ein Bestandteil der regionalen Kultur. Ursprünglich dienten sie als einfaches Arme-Leute-Essen, mitunter während der ganzen Woche, in aufgewärmter oder gebratener Form als Mittags- oder Abendmahl und Brotersatz. Im Thüringer Raum wurde die Vitamin­mangel­krankheit Skorbut damit praktisch ausgerottet, da rohe Kartoffeln zur Zubereitung verwendet werden. Thüringer Klöße werden serviert zu schweren, fleischhaltigen Gerichten mit viel Sauce, wie sie für die Thüringer Küche typisch sind, gern in Verbindung mit Kohl: dunkle Wildgerichte, Sauerbraten, Gulasch, Rouladen, schweres Geflügel. Typische Gewürze: Schwarzer Pfeffer, Majoran, Lorbeer, Kümmel, Petersilie. Thüringer Klöße passen normalerweise nicht zu Fisch, Krustentieren, hellen Saucen, Käse oder Rohkost. Auch aromatische Gewürze wie Muskat oder Curry usw. vertragen sie schlecht.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Regular Italicfrom €39

    Toffee is a confection made by caramel­izing sugar or molasses (creating inverted sugar) along with butter, and occasionally flour. The mixture is heated until its temperature reaches the hard crack stage of 300 to 310 °F (149 to 154 °C). The process of making toffee requires the boiling of ingredients until the mix is stiff enough to be pulled into a shape which holds and has a glossy surface.

    The resulting mixture will typically be poured into a shallow tray and allowed to cool to form a sheet. Different mixes, processes, and most importantly, temperatures, will result in different textures and hardnesses, from soft and often sticky to a hard, brittle material. A brown color, and smoky taste, is imparted to the toffee by the caramelization of the sugars. A popular variant in the US is English toffee, which is a very buttery toffee often made with almonds. It is available in both chewy and hard versions. Heath bars are a type of confection made with an English toffee core. Although named English toffee it bears little resemblance to the wide range of confectionery known as toffee currently available in the United Kingdom. Another variant is honeycomb toffee, which is an aerated version with bubbles introduced by adding baking soda and vinegar while mixing.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Semiboldfrom €39

    Bramborák je tradiční pokrm většiny slovan­ských a germán­ských národů a Maďarů, který se připravuje smažením tenké vrstvy těsta z jemně nastrou­haných syrových brambor, mouky, vajec, česneku, soli a majoránky, případně mléka a dalšího koření (kmín, pepř, nakrájená cibule) na tuku.

    Jí se teplý, samostatně nebo se zelím a uzeným masem (kaplická cmunda), jako obal vepřového masa (havířský nebo slezský řízek) nebo se škvarky. Může se použít i jako příloha, obvykle k masu a omáčce. Známá je také varianta, kdy se místo brambor použije jako základ cuketa (tzv. cukeťák). Jako doplněk brambo­rového základu se mohou použít v proměnném množství kromě cuket také např. mrkve, celer, baklažán i jiná vhodná (tvrdší) zelenina. V Německu je rozšířena i sladká varianta bramboráku (Kartoffelpuffer): těsto se připravuje bez česneku a zmíněných koření, bramborák se potírá sladkým jablečným protlakem. Taktéž v Polsku se bramborák (Placek ziemniaczany) jí i na sladko, jen posypaný cukrem, případně politý smetanou. Na Valašsku se připravuje jen ze strouhaných syrových brambor a mouky, za tepla se potře máslem a pocukruje.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Una empanada es una fina masa de pan, masa quebrada u hojaldre rellena con una prepara­ción salada o dulce y cocida al horno o frita en aceite o grasa. El relleno puede incluir carnes rojas o blancas, pescado, verduras o fruta. La masa, generalmente, es de harina de trigo –aunque también puede usarse harina de maíz u otros cereales– y suele llevar alguna grasa, aceite o manteca.

    Una vez rellena, la masa puede pintarse por fuera con huevo batido antes de la cocción. Las empanadas son un plato tradicional de la mayoría de las cocinas de los países de habla hispana. Las masas utilizadas para las preparaciones del tipo de la empanada son normalmente diferentes a las utilizadas para la elaboración de pan, bizcochos o en repostería. Habitualmente llevan menos agua y mayor cantidad de grasas (generalmente mantequilla, manteca o grasas vegetales) produciendo una masa que se deshace en copos o láminas aportando más sabor adicional procedente de la grasa humidificada. El producto resultante está destinado a envolver completamente a su contenido – en contraste con otras preparaciones que lo ofrecen abierto o entre dos capas, como quiches o pizzas – en una gran variedad de formas en las diferentes cocinas: empanada, samosa, pasty, pierogi, piroshki, etc.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Boldfrom €39

    Teriyaki is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled while being basted in a marinade based on soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Fish is mainly used in Japan, while meat is more often used in the West.

    Traditionally the meat is dipped in or brushed with sauce several times during cooking. This popular dish was originally created by Japanese cooks of the seventeenth century, when urbanization, changes in agricultural methods and exposure to new ingredients from abroad gave rise to new, innovative cooking styles. It is traditionally made by mixing and heating soy sauce and sake (or mirin) and sugar (or honey). The sauce is boiled and reduced to the desired thickness, then used to marinate meat, which is then grilled or broiled. Sometimes ginger is added and the final dish may be garnished with spring onions. In North America, any dish made with a teriyaki-like sauce (often even those using foreign alternatives to sake), or with added ingredients such as sesame or garlic (uncommon in traditional Japanese cuisine), is described as teriyaki. Pineapple juice is sometimes used as it not only provides sweetness but also bromelain enzymes that help tenderize the meat.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Une gaufre est un mets de pâte légère cuite entre deux plaques métalliques, articulées entre elles par une ou des charnières, ornées de motifs qui s’impri­ment dans la pâte et donnent à la pâtisserie sa forme caracté­ristique. C’est un mets typique de la Belgique, des Pays-Bas, du Nord de la France, des régions alpines d’Italie (Val D’Aoste et Escartons) et de Suisse romande.

    La convergence lexicale entre oublie et gaufre vient du fait que ces deux pâtisseries légères étaient cuites par les oublieurs entre deux plaques de fer, mais la mince oublie était roulée en cylindre ou en cornet, tandis que la gaufre reste généralement plate. La base de la plupart des recettes utilise un mélange de farine de blé, de sel, de sucre, d'œufs ; on y ajoute un liquide (eau, lait, lait battu, beurre fondu), et éventuel­lement de la levure et des épices (sel, vanille, cannelle, etc.). D’autres aliments que le blé peuvent être utilisés : le maïs par exemple (qui donne une gaufre « épaisse comme la main », d’aspect compact, que les Bourguignons mangeaient fréquemment), la pomme de terre aussi (dont la présentation en gaufre se perpétue dans les pays anglo-saxons sous l’appellation Potato waffles) et même l’argile délayée avec du sucre au Tonkin.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Extraboldfrom €39

    A Gugelhupf or Gugelhopf is a southern German, Austrian, Swiss and Alsatian term for a marble cake or Bundt cake. It is usually eaten with coffee, at coffee breaks. Gugelhupf consists of a soft yeast dough which contains raisins, almonds and Kirsch­wasser cherry brandy.

    In late Medieval Austria, a Gugelhupf was served at major community events such as weddings, and was decorated with flowers, leaves, candles, and seasonal fruits. The name persisted through the Austro-Hungarian Empire, eventually becoming standardized in Viennese cookbooks as a refined, rich cake, flavored with rosewater and almond. Many regional variations exist, testifying to the widespread popularity of the Gugelhupf tradition. Some regional varieties (Czech, Hungarian and Slovenian) are also filled, often with a layer of sweetened ground poppy seeds. It is baked in a special circular pan with a central tube, originally made of enamelled pottery. Similar pans are used for making Bundt cakes, a cake baking pan shape in the US derived from the Gugelhupf.

  • JAF Bernino Sans, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    Lebkuchen, auch Pfeffer-, Gewürz- oder Honig­kuchen, ist ein Gebäck, das in Variationen vor allem in der Advents- und Weihnachts­zeit zubereitet wird. Gewerbs­mäßige Bäcker, die auf die Herstellung von Lebkuchen speziali­siert sind, nennt man Lebzelter, Lebküchler oder Lebküchner.

    Neben Honig als Süßungs­mittel und den orientalischen Gewürzen (vor allem Zimt, Nelken, Anis, weniger Kardamom, Koriander, Ingwer, Muskat) zeichnet sich der Lebkuchen vor allem dadurch aus, dass er ohne Hefe gebacken wird. Als Trieb­mittel wird stattdessen Hirsch­horn­salz oder Pottasche (oder auch beides) verwendet – Hirsch­horn­salz gibt dem rohen, noch ungebackenen Teig einen bitteren Geschmack, Pottasche hingegen ist eher geschmacks­neutral. Braune Lebkuchen werden aus einem knetbaren Teig hergestellt, der zum größten Teil aus Mehl (zum Teil auch Stärke) und Honig oder einem anderen dickflüssigen Süßungsmittel besteht. Hinzu kommen zumeist noch Eier, dagegen wird auf Wasser oder Milch und Fett weitgehend verzichtet. Zur Verfeinerung gibt man dem Teig zum Beispiel Mandeln, Nüsse oder Kandisstücke zu.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Lightfrom €39

    A pálpusztai sajt tehén­tejből készült, sózott, oltós alvasztású, rúzs­flórával érő, lágy, zsíros sajt. A pálpusztai sajt híres jellegzetesen erős, pikáns, enyhén ammóniás bukéjáról, ami egyébként minden rúzs­flórával érő sajt jelleg­zetessége. A sajttészta lágy, legfeljebb kevés apró erjedési vagy röglyuk található benne. Kis méret és tömeg, rövid érési idő jellemzi, kívülről befelé érik. Íze az érés folyamán alakul ki, a tárolás ideje alatt folyóssá válhat.

    A pálpusztai sajt egyike a kevés tradici­onális magyar sajtnak, noha története nem nyúlik vissza régre. Magyar­országon a 20. század eleje óta készítenek pálpusztai sajtot a sörkor­csolya (romadur) jellegű sajtok mintájára. Alakja általában hasáb vagy kocka. A rúzsflóra egy baktérium színtenyészet, amely obligát aerob, ami azért nő a sajt felületén, mert csak levegő mellett szaporodik. Enzimjei erőteljesen bontják a sajt fehérjéit, egészen az aminosavakig, a sajt zsírját pedig egészen a zsírsavakig. A pálpusztai sajt felületén, egy erősen fehérjebontó baktérium, a Brevibacterium linens tenyészet hozza létre a vörösesbarna nyálkás bevonatot. A rúzsflórával érő sajtok felületére, enyhén sós oldat formájában, kenegetéssel viszik fel a baktériumtenyészetet, majd az érlelés során 2-3 naponként átfordítják a sajtokat és újra bekenik a felületüket. Érdekesség, hogy a sajt érleléséhez használt Brevibacterium linens, az emberi bőrön is fellelhető baktérium. Részben ez a baktérium is közreműködik az ember testszagának kialakulásában.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Light Italicfrom €39

    Rösti is made with coarsely grated potato, either cooked or raw. Depend­ing on the frying tech­nique, butter or another fat may be added (and usually salt and pepper). If not, oil is used for the frying. Often rösti is simply shaped inside of the frying pan. They are most often pan-fried, but can also be baked in the oven.

    The grated potatoes are shaped into rounds or patties, usually measuring between 3–12 cm (1 to 5 inches) in diameter and 1–2 cm (0.5 inch) thick. Rösti are most often pan-fried and shaped in the frying pan during cooking, but they can also be baked in the oven. Although basic rösti consists of nothing but potato, a number of additional ingredients are sometimes added, such as bacon, onion, cheese, apple or fresh herbs. This is usually considered to be a regional touch. Rösti was originally a breakfast dish, commonly eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but is now eaten all over Switzerland and around the world. Rather than considering it a complete breakfast, it is more commonly served to accompany other dishes such as Spinat und Spiegelei (spinach and fried eggs, sunny side up), cervelas or Fleischkäse. In Swiss popular cultural ethos, rösti are predominantly eaten in German-speaking regions, although they can be found easily elsewhere in the country. Rösti dishes are portrayed as a stereotypical part of the Swiss-Germanic culture, as opposed to Latin culture.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Regularfrom €39

    Mayonnaise is made by slowly adding oil to an egg yolk, while whisking vigorously to disperse the oil. The oil and the water in yolks form a base of the emulsion, while lecithin and protein from the yolks are the emulsifiers that stabilize it. Additionally, a bit of a mustard may also be added to sharpen its taste, and further stabilize the emulsion. Mustard contains small amounts of lecithin.

    Modern mayonnaise can be made by hand with a whisk, or fork, or with the aid of an electric mixer or blender. It is made by slowly adding oil to an egg yolk, while whisking vigorously to disperse the oil. The oil and the water in the yolk form a base of the emulsion, while lecithin and protein from the yolk is the emulsifier that stabilizes it. A combination of van der Waals interactions and electrostatic repulsion determine the bond strength among oil droplets. The high viscosity of mayonnaise is attributed to the total strength created by these two intermolecular forces. Mayonnaise is used commonly around the world, and is also a base for many other chilled sauces and salad dressings. For example, sauce rémoulade, in classic French cuisine, is mayonnaise to which has been added mustard, gherkins, capers, parsley, chervil, tarragon, and possibly anchovy essence.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Italicfrom €39

    Metworst of boeren­met­worst is een harde gekruide worst gemaakt van stukjes varkens­vlees en varkens­vet. Metworst wordt tradi­ti­o­neel gegeten bij stamp­pot­ge­rech­ten als zuur­kool en boeren­kool, soms in combi­na­tie met een rook­worst. Tegen­woor­dig is metworst vooral in trek als snack, zoals de Gronin­ger metworst (met veel kruid­na­gel) of de mildere Friese metworst. In Drenthe bestaat de hardere variant koster­worst.

    Metworst werd van oorsprong gemaakt van snij­af­val, het met slaat op de kleine stukjes vlees die over­blij­ven bij het in stukken verde­len van vlees. Ook de droge worst is in dat opzicht een metworst. Droge worst is een streekgerecht, waarbij de worst na het vullen wordt opgehangen om te drogen. De smaak is afhankelijk van de toegevoegde kruiden. Kruidnagel is daarvan de meest gebruikte. Droge worst wordt als borrelhapje of tussendoortje gegeten. De worst wordt soms gekookt. Droge worst is ook in gebruik als ingrediënt van rauwkostsalades. De worsten worden gedroogd en/of gerookt op een mengsel van smeulende houtsnippers en turf. Er zijn verschillen in werkwijze en receptuur in Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe. De Groningse en Friese droge worst zijn aanzienlijk minder gedroogd dan de Drentse. De Groningse worst bevat meer kruidnagel dan de Friese. De Drentse worst, ook bekend als harde- of kosterworst, is wat vetter.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Semiboldfrom €39

    Blomme er en stenfrugt, der vokser på træer af slægten prunus (blommetræ). Frugten har en glat skræl og et sødt frugtkød. Blommer spises som de er eller kan syltes, koges til grød eller marmelade eller kan indgå i bagværk. Blommer kan tørres til svesker. De blommebærende træer kom fra Vestasien, men mere end 2.000 sorter dyrkes nu over hele verden.

    Blommen er rund eller oval, og størrelsen kan variere efter sorten; de største er på størrelse med et æble. Frugten er omgivet af en tynd skræl, der kan spises, selv om den er en smule bitter. Farven er grøn, gul, rød, blå eller nuancer af disse. Blommer har en stor sten i midten af frugten, og hos nogle varianter hænger frugtkødet fast på stenen, mens det hos andre sorter nemt slipper den. Frugtkødet er saftigt og aromatisk. Blommer er kaloriefattige og virker maveregulerende. Blommer indeholder en del vitamin A, calcium og jern. Svesker er blommer, der er konserveret ved sol- eller ovntørring; produceres især i Sydeuropa eller Californien. Blomme er et lille, løvfældende træ med en åben og stivgrenet vækstform. Stammen er kort, og grenene er opstigende og grove. Der findes i reglen ikke torne på selve træet, men af og til på “mirabelle”-vildskud.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    After the pomegranate is opened by scoring it with a knife and break­ing it open, the arils (seed casings) are separ­ated from the peel and internal white pulp membranes. Separ­at­ing the red arils is easier in a bowl of water because the arils sink and the ined­ible pulp floats. Freezing the entire fruit also makes it easier to separate. Another effective way of quickly harvesting the seeds is to cut the pomegranate in half, score each half of the exterior rind four to six times, hold the pomegranate half over a bowl, and smack the rind with a large spoon.

    Pomegranate juice can be sweet or sour, but most fruits are moderate in taste, with sour notes from the acidic ellagitannins contained in the juice. Pomegranate juice has long been a popular drink in Europe and the Middle East, and is now widely distributed in the United States and Canada. Dried pomegranate seeds, found in some natural specialty food markets, still contain some residual water, maintaining a natural sweet and tart flavor. Dried seeds can be used in several culinary applications, such as trail mix, granola bars, or as a topping for salad, yogurt, or ice cream. Ancient Egyptians regarded the pomegranate as a symbol of prosperity and ambition. The Greeks were familiar with the fruit far before it was introduced to Rome via Carthage, and it figures in multiple myths and artworks. The myth of Persephone, the goddess of the underworld, prominently features the pomegranate. In one version of the myth, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and taken off to live in the underworld as his wife.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Boldfrom €39

    Thinly sliced beef is usually used for sukiyaki. Like other nabemono dishes, each region has a preferred way of cooking sukiyaki. The key difference is between the western Kansai region and the eastern Kantō region. In the Kanto style, warishita (a mixture of sake, soy sauce, sugar, mirin and dashi) is poured and heated in a pot, then meat, vegetables and other ingredients are added and simmered together. In Kansai-style sukiyaki, meat is heated in the pot first.

    In Tokyo, the ingredi­ents are stewed in a prepared mixture of soy sauce, sugar, sake and mirin, whereas in Osaka, the meat is first grilled in the pan greased with tallow. After other ingredi­ents are put over these, the liquid is poured into the pan. The shungiku are added when all the ingredients are simmering. A raw egg is broken into a serving bowl, one egg for each person. The vegetables and meat used are different between the two styles. Because beef was expensive in the past, the use of pork was common in northern and eastern regions. Other ingredients added to modern sukiyaki include chicken (tori-suki), fish (uo-suki), udon noodles (udon-suki), negi, shiitake mushrooms, shirataki and slightly grilled tofu. In both styles, raw eggs are used as a dipping sauce and steamed rice with black sesame seeds is served.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Skilpadjies is a tradi­tional South African food, also known by other names such as “muise”, “vler­muise” and “po­fad­der”. The dish is lamb’s liver wrapped in netvet (caul fat), which is the fatty membrane that surrounds the kidneys.

    The balls, approx­im­ately 80mm in diamet­er, are normally grilled over an open char­coal fire and ready when the fat is crisp. Dishes such as skilpadjies had already been made by the ancient Romans and the German recipe for calf’s liver in caul fat appears in the book “Das Buoch von guoter Spise”. Pofadder is the largest version, the size of a man’s forearm. It is made from minced lamb’s liver wrapped in a large piece of netvet, and is usually served at parties where about 8 to 10 servings can be sliced from one pofadder when grilled. It is a very rich, high cholesterol and fatty food; the consumers normally eat some starchy food in the form of mealie pap or toasted bread with the skilpadjies, so as not to attract some symptoms of over-indulgence. The names skilpadjie (little tortoise), muise (mice), vlermuise (bats) and pofadder (puff adder) reflect its appearance.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Extraboldfrom €39

    In taste kefalotyri vaguely resembles Gruyere, except it is harder and saltier. A very hard cheese, it can be consumed as is, fried in olive oil for a dish called saganaki, or added to foods such as pasta dishes, meat, or cooked vege­tables, and is especially suited for grating.

    It is also used along with feta cheese in the vast majority of recipes for Spana­kopita, where many recipes say to substitute romano or parmesan if kefalotyri cannot be obtained. This is a popular and well-known cheese, estab­lishing its roots in Greece during the Byzantine era. It can be found in some gourmet or speciality stores in other countries. Young cheeses take two to three months to ripen. An aged kefalotyri, a year old or more, is drier with a stronger flavour, and may be eaten as a meze with ouzo, or grated on food. Feta is a soft brined white cheese with small or no holes, a compact touch, few cuts, and no skin. It is usually formed into large blocks, which are submerged in brine. Its flavor is tangy and salty, ranging from mild to sharp. The firm variety is tangier and considered higher in quality. The soft variety is almost soft enough to be spreadable, mostly used in pies and sold at a cheaper price.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Narrow, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    El pan con toma­te, una comida repre­sen­ta­tiva de Cata­luña, consiste en una reba­nada de pan con medio tomate maduro restre­gado y aliñado con aceite de oliva y sal. Es una comida tradi­c­io­nal de las cocinas cata­la­na, arago­nesa y bale­ar, similar a la brus­chetta ital­ia­na.

    Tiene ante­ce­den­tes en traba­ja­do­res anda­lu­ces, murc­ia­nos y extre­meños que emigra­ban hacia otras zonas de la península ibéri­ca. Está consi­de­rado como uno de los típicos ejem­plos que definen la dieta medi­terránea, exten­dido como receta tradi­c­io­nal por toda España. Se elabora frotando tomate crudo y maduro sobre una reba­nada de pan, prefe­ri­ble­mente de pagès, tostado o no, aliñado al gusto con sal y aceite de oliva. Si se desea, una vez tostado el pan y antes de untar el tomate, hay quien restriega ajo para darle sabor picante. En Mallorca el pa amb oli se elabora restregando una variedad de tomate denominada tomàtiga de ramellet, cultivada al efecto, de inferior tamaño, con un gusto ligeramente más salado y amargo que la variedad del resto de variedades del tomate, pudiendo incluso alcanzar los seis meses. Puede constituir entrante, acompañamiento y también plato principal, en cuyo caso suele acompañarse de embutidos, quesos, tortilla y salazones.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Lightfrom €39

    Der Punsch­krapfen ist eine öster­reichische Süßspeise. Es handelt sich um einen Würfel aus Biskuitteig, der mit einer Masse aus Marmelade, Rum oder Punsch und Schokolade gefüllt und mit einer rosa Glasur überzogen ist. Punsch­krapferl dienen mitunter als Reste­verwertung von altbacken gewordenen Biskuitteig­produkten, wobei der Inländerrum einen allfälligen Altgeschmack wirkungsvoll überdeckt.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Light Italicfrom €39

    Unagi is the Japan­ese word for fresh­wa­ter eel, espe­cially the Japan­ese eel, Anguilla japon­ica. Unagi is a common ingredi­ent in Japan­ese cook­ing. It is not to be confused with salt­water eel, which is known as anago in Japan­ese. Unakyu is a common expression used for sushi containing eel & cucumber. Due to the health hazards of eating raw freshwater fish, eels are always cooked, and in Japanese food, are often served with tare sauce. Unagi that is roasted without tare and only seasoned with salt is known as Shirayaki.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Regularfrom €39

    In Andalucía, most gazpacho recipes typically include stale bread, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar, water, and salt. Trad­itionally, gazpacho is made by pounding the vegetables using a mortar and pestle. This method is still sometimes favoured as it helps keep the gazpacho cool and avoids the foam and the completely smooth consist­ency created by blenders and food processors.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Regular Italicfrom €39

    Ogórki kiszo­ne, ogórki kwaszone – produkt spożyw­czy powszech­nie znany w Europie central­nej i wschod­niej. Powstaje z ogórków grun­to­wych złożonych w beczce lub słoju z dodat­kiem łodyg i baldachów kopru, korzeni chrza­nu, ząbków czosnku zala­nych wodą z solą, które podle­gają kisze­niu. Do kiszenia ogórków można dodać przyprawy: liście laurowe, ziarna gorczycy białej lub pieprzu czarnego. Niekiedy dodaje się do kiszenia ogórków liście wiśni, porzeczki czarnej, winorośli, chrzanu lub dębu.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Semiboldfrom €39

    In the absence of hard facts as to haggis’ origins, popular folklore has provided some theories. One is that the dish originates from the days of the old Scottish cattle drovers. When the men left the highlands to drive their cattle to market in Edinburgh the women would prepare rations for them to eat during the long journey down through the glens. They used the ingred­ients that were most readily available in their homes and conveni­ently packaged them in a sheep’s stomach allowing for easy transpor­tation during the journey.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    The most common kinds of meat chops are pork and lamb. A thin boneless chop, or one with only the rib bone, may be called a cutlet, though the difference is not always clear. Chops are gener­ally cut from pork, lamb, veal, or mutton, but also from game such as venison. They are cut perpen­dic­u­lar to the spine, and usually include a rib and a section of spine. They are typic­ally cut from 10–50 mm thick.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Boldfrom €39

    Chirashi­zushi is a bowl of sushi rice topped with a variety of sashimi and garnishes. Edomae chirashi­zushi is an uncooked ingredient that is arranged artfully on top of the sushi rice in a bowl. Gomoku­zushi consists of cooked or uncooked ingredients mixed in the body of rice in a bowl. There is no set formula for the ingred­ients; they are either chef’s choice or specified by the customer. It is commonly eaten because it is filling, fast and easy to make. Chirashi­zushi often varies regionally. It is eaten annually on Hinamatsuri in March.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Bibim­bap is a signa­ture Korean dish. The word liter­ally means “mixed rice”. Bibim­bap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned veget­ables) and gochu­jang (chili pepper paste). A raw or fried egg and sliced meat are common additions. The hot dish is stirred together thoroughly just before eating.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Extraboldfrom €39

    Słowo „pierogi” oznacza potrawę wykonaną z ciasta gotowa­nego, pieczonego lub smażonego na głębokim tłuszczu, cienko rozwał­kowanego i wypeł­nionego różno­rodnymi nadzie­niami. W Polsce jako nadzienie najczę­ściej występują: mięso, kiszona kapusta z grzybami, owoce sezonowe, kasza gryczana, twaróg – na słodko lub z ugotowanymi ziem­niakami i twarogiem z dodatkiem podsma­żonej cebuli. We wschod­niej Polsce bardzo popularną tradycyjną potrawą są pierogi z soczewicą.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Condensed, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    Regens­bur­ger sind Brühwürste aus feinem oder grobem Fleisch­brät mit einer Einlage aus Schwei­ne­fleisch. Typisch ist die kompakte Form mit einer Länge von etwa 10 cm und einem Durch­mes­ser von etwas über 4 cm. Zur Herstellung wird mageres Schweinefleisch fein gekuttert, mit Nitritpökelsalz und Gewürzen versetzt sowie mit kleinen Schweinefleischwürfeln vermischt. Anschließend wird die Masse in Rinderkranzdärme gefüllt, zu kurzen Würsten abgebunden, über Buchenholz geräuchert und schließlich gebrüht.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Lightfrom €39

    Kedjenou is a spicy stew that is slow-cooked in a sealed canari (terra-cotta pot) over fire or coals and prepared with chicken or guinea hen and vegetables. Preparation methods for the stew vary. Sometimes little or no added liquid is used in its preparation, allowing the meat to cook in its own juices, which tenderizes the meat and concentrates the flavors of the ingredients. Sometimes the dish is cooked in a wrapped and sealed banana leaf that is placed under hot coals. In Côte d’Ivoire the dish is traditionally served with Attiéké, a side dish made with grated cassava.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Light Italicfrom €39

    Il lievito natu­ra­le, chia­mato anche lievito acido, pasta acida, lievito madre, pasta madre e crescen­te, è un impasto di farina e acqua acidi­fi­cato da un complesso di lieviti e batteri lattici che sono in grado di avviare la fermen­ta­zio­ne.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Regularfrom €39

    Pripravuje sa z kyslej kapusty. Líši sa podľa regiónu a obdobia varenia na pôstnu a sviatočnú. Do pôstnej katolíckej vianočnej (Štedrý deň) sa nedáva mäso, zahusťuje sa napr. bielymi hladkými haluškami, smotanou a rozotreným zemiakom. V luteránskej kapustnici na Vianoce nájdeme aj mäso a všetky ostatné zložky. Vo sviatočnej nájdeme napr. údené mäso a klobásu. Nevy­hnutné sú sušené hríby. Vianočná kapust­nica sa tradične pripravuje na konci kalendár­neho roka.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Regular Italicfrom €39

    Lentils have been part of the human diet since the aceramic (be­fore pottery) Neolithic times, being one of the first crops domest­ic­ated in the Near East. Arche­olo­gical evid­ence shows they were eaten 9,500 to 13,000 years ago. Lentils are used worldwide to cook many different dishes. Lentil dishes are most widespread throughout South Asia, the Mediterranean regions and West Asia. Dal tadka (lentil soup) In the Indian subcontinent, lentil curry is part of the everyday diet, eaten with both rice and roti. Boiled lentils and lentil stock are used to thicken most vegetarian curries.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Semiboldfrom €39

    Le camembert est un fromage français à pâte molle à croûte fleurie fabriqué avec du lait de vache. Fromage parmi les plus consommés en France, il est devenu, avec la baguette de pain et le béret, l’une des caractéristiques distinctives de l’image des Français et de la France dans l’imagerie populaire internationale. Le suivi de la recette d’élaboration originelle de ce fromage est garanti uniquement par les fromageries qui respectent le cahier des charges de l’AOP camembert de Normandie ce qui les démarque de la simple appellation libre « camembert ».

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Cauli­flower can be roas­ted, boiled, fried, steamed, or eaten raw. Steam­ing or microwav­ing better preserves anti­c­an­cer compounds than boil­ing. When cook­ing, the outer leaves and thick stalks are removed, leaving only the florets. The leaves are also edible, but are most often discarded. The florets should be broken into similar-sized pieces so they are cooked evenly. After eight minutes of steam­ing, or five minutes of boil­ing, the florets should be soft, but not mushy.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Boldfrom €39

    Udon is a type of thick wheat flour noodle of Japanese cuisine. Like many Japanese noodles, udon noodles are served chilled in the summer and hot in the winter. Toppings are chosen to reflect the seasons. Most toppings are added without much cooking, although some are deep-fried. Many of these dishes may also be prepared with soba. Cold udon, or udon salad, is usually mixed with egg omelette slices, shredded chicken and fresh vegetables, such as cucumber and radish. Toppings of Udon soup are chosen to reflect the seasons.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Bold Italicfrom €39

    A gulyás, közeli roko­na­ival, a pörkölttel és a papri­kással szinte az egyedüli paraszt­ételek, amelyek a 19. században a polgári és a nemesi konyhában teljes mértékben létjo­gosult­ságot szereztek. A magyar konyha alapjait képező három ételfajta története elvá­lasztha­tatlan egymástól, sőt a forrá­sokból nagyon sokszor az sem derül ki egyértel­műen, hogy mely ételről van szó, ugyanis az elne­vezések hasz­ná­lata nem volt egységes, mint ahogy napja­inkban sem az.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Extraboldfrom €39

    Waterzooi is een typisch Gents recept gemaakt van kip of vis, groenten, room en aard­appelen. Het wordt opgediend als een soort soep samen met brood. Waar­schijnlijk was het oorspronkelijk middeleeuws gerecht op basis van zoet­watervis die in de Gentse rivieren, grachten, vesten en kanalen ruim voorhanden was. Onder meer de kwabaal werd voor waterzooi gebruikt. Wellicht werd de riviervis die oors­pronkelijk werd gebruikt voor het gerecht schaarser of ongezond door vervuiling van het water.

  • JAF Bernino Sans Compressed, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    Dampf­nu­deln sind eine tradi­tio­nelle Mehl­speise der süddeut­schen Küche. Sie beste­hen aus Hefe­teig, der in einem Topf mit Deckel gleich­zei­tig gebra­ten und gedämpft wird, sodass sie einen knusp­ri­gen Boden und eine weiche Ober­fläche haben. Es gibt sie mit und ohne Füllung, wobei die pfälzi­sche Vari­ante grundsätz­lich ungefüllt ist. Die Dampfnudel kann beispielsweise mit Kraut, Salat, Gurken oder mit Pilzen in Rahmsoße als Hauptgericht serviert werden. Als Dessert kann die Dampfnudel auch mit warmer oder kalter Vanillesoße, Weinschaumsoße oder mit Kompott verzehrt werden.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Lightfrom €39

    Bangers and mash, also known as sausages and mash, is a tradi­tional British dish made of mashed potatoes and sausages, the latter of which may consist of a variety of flavoured sausage made of pork or beef or a Cumberland sausage. Sausage making is a logical outcome of efficient butchery.

    This dish, even when cooked at home, may be thought of as an example of pub grub, meaning it is relatively quick and easy to make in large quantities. More up-market varieties, with exotic sausages and mashes, are sold in gastropubs, with less sophisticated alternatives being available in regular public houses (pubs). The term “bangers” is attributed (in common usage in the UK) to the fact that sausages made during World War I, when there were meat shortages, were made with such a high water content that they were more liable to pop under high heat when cooked. Traditionally, sausage makers would salt various tissues and organs such as scraps, organ meats, blood, and fat to help preserve them. They would then stuff them into tubular casings made from the cleaned intestines of the animal, producing the characteristic cylindrical shape. Hence, sausages, puddings, and salami are among the oldest of prepared foods, whether cooked and eaten immediately or dried to varying degrees.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Light Italicfrom €39

    A traditional Swedish smörgås­bord consists of both hot and cold dishes. Bread, butter, and cheese are always part of the smörgåsbord. It is customary to begin with the cold fish dishes which are generally various forms of herring, salmon, and eel. After eating the first portion, people usually continue with the second course (other cold dishes), and round off with hot dishes. Dessert may or may not be included in a smörgåsbord.

    It is customary to eat particular foods together; herring is typically eaten with boiled potatoes and hard-boiled eggs and is frequently accompanied by strong spirits like snaps, brännvin or akvavit with or without spices. Other traditional foods are smoked eel, rollmops, herring salad, baked herring and smoked salmon. Lutfisk, lyed fish made of stockfish (dried ling or cod served with boiled potato and thick white sauce) and green peas that can be served with the warm dishes or as a separate fourth course. Lutfisk is often served as dinner the second day after the traditional Christmas Yule-table dinner. Julbord desserts include rice pudding (risgrynsgröt), sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Traditionally, an almond is hidden in the bowl of rice porridge, and whoever finds it receives a small prize or is recognized for having good luck. Julbord is served from early December until just before Christmas at restaurants and until Epiphany in some homes.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Regularfrom €39

    Thüringer Klöße werden traditionell zum Sonntags­braten zusammen mit verschiedenen gekochten Kraut­sorten, besonders Sauerkraut oder Rotkohl serviert. Kloßrezepte sind traditionell im Raum Thüringen, Franken, Sachsen, sowie im Vogtland verbreitet und sind dort ein Bestandteil der regionalen Kultur.

    Kloßrezepte sind traditionell im Raum Thüringen, Franken, Sachsen, sowie im Vogtland verbreitet und sind dort ein Bestandteil der regionalen Kultur. Ursprünglich dienten sie als einfaches Arme-Leute-Essen, mitunter während der ganzen Woche, in aufgewärmter oder gebratener Form als Mittags- oder Abendmahl und Brotersatz. Im Thüringer Raum wurde die Vitamin­mangel­krankheit Skorbut damit praktisch ausgerottet, da rohe Kartoffeln zur Zubereitung verwendet werden. Thüringer Klöße werden serviert zu schweren, fleischhaltigen Gerichten mit viel Sauce, wie sie für die Thüringer Küche typisch sind, gern in Verbindung mit Kohl: dunkle Wildgerichte, Sauerbraten, Gulasch, Rouladen, schweres Geflügel. Typische Gewürze: Schwarzer Pfeffer, Majoran, Lorbeer, Kümmel, Petersilie. Thüringer Klöße passen normalerweise nicht zu Fisch, Krustentieren, hellen Saucen, Käse oder Rohkost. Auch aromatische Gewürze wie Muskat oder Curry usw. vertragen sie schlecht.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Regular Italicfrom €39

    Toffee is a confection made by caramel­izing sugar or molasses (creating inverted sugar) along with butter, and occasionally flour. The mixture is heated until its temperature reaches the hard crack stage of 300 to 310 °F (149 to 154 °C). The process of making toffee requires the boiling of ingredients until the mix is stiff enough to be pulled into a shape which holds and has a glossy surface.

    The resulting mixture will typically be poured into a shallow tray and allowed to cool to form a sheet. Different mixes, processes, and most importantly, temperatures, will result in different textures and hardnesses, from soft and often sticky to a hard, brittle material. A brown color, and smoky taste, is imparted to the toffee by the caramelization of the sugars. A popular variant in the US is English toffee, which is a very buttery toffee often made with almonds. It is available in both chewy and hard versions. Heath bars are a type of confection made with an English toffee core. Although named English toffee it bears little resemblance to the wide range of confectionery known as toffee currently available in the United Kingdom. Another variant is honeycomb toffee, which is an aerated version with bubbles introduced by adding baking soda and vinegar while mixing.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Semiboldfrom €39

    Bramborák je tradiční pokrm většiny slovan­ských a germán­ských národů a Maďarů, který se připravuje smažením tenké vrstvy těsta z jemně nastrou­haných syrových brambor, mouky, vajec, česneku, soli a majoránky, případně mléka a dalšího koření (kmín, pepř, nakrájená cibule) na tuku.

    Jí se teplý, samostatně nebo se zelím a uzeným masem (kaplická cmunda), jako obal vepřového masa (havířský nebo slezský řízek) nebo se škvarky. Může se použít i jako příloha, obvykle k masu a omáčce. Známá je také varianta, kdy se místo brambor použije jako základ cuketa (tzv. cukeťák). Jako doplněk brambo­rového základu se mohou použít v proměnném množství kromě cuket také např. mrkve, celer, baklažán i jiná vhodná (tvrdší) zelenina. V Německu je rozšířena i sladká varianta bramboráku (Kartoffelpuffer): těsto se připravuje bez česneku a zmíněných koření, bramborák se potírá sladkým jablečným protlakem. Taktéž v Polsku se bramborák (Placek ziemniaczany) jí i na sladko, jen posypaný cukrem, případně politý smetanou. Na Valašsku se připravuje jen ze strouhaných syrových brambor a mouky, za tepla se potře máslem a pocukruje.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Una empanada es una fina masa de pan, masa quebrada u hojaldre rellena con una prepara­ción salada o dulce y cocida al horno o frita en aceite o grasa. El relleno puede incluir carnes rojas o blancas, pescado, verduras o fruta. La masa, generalmente, es de harina de trigo –aunque también puede usarse harina de maíz u otros cereales– y suele llevar alguna grasa, aceite o manteca.

    Una vez rellena, la masa puede pintarse por fuera con huevo batido antes de la cocción. Las empanadas son un plato tradicional de la mayoría de las cocinas de los países de habla hispana. Las masas utilizadas para las preparaciones del tipo de la empanada son normalmente diferentes a las utilizadas para la elaboración de pan, bizcochos o en repostería. Habitualmente llevan menos agua y mayor cantidad de grasas (generalmente mantequilla, manteca o grasas vegetales) produciendo una masa que se deshace en copos o láminas aportando más sabor adicional procedente de la grasa humidificada. El producto resultante está destinado a envolver completamente a su contenido – en contraste con otras preparaciones que lo ofrecen abierto o entre dos capas, como quiches o pizzas – en una gran variedad de formas en las diferentes cocinas: empanada, samosa, pasty, pierogi, piroshki, etc.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Boldfrom €39

    Teriyaki is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled while being basted in a marinade based on soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Fish is mainly used in Japan, while meat is more often used in the West.

    Traditionally the meat is dipped in or brushed with sauce several times during cooking. This popular dish was originally created by Japanese cooks of the seventeenth century, when urbanization, changes in agricultural methods and exposure to new ingredients from abroad gave rise to new, innovative cooking styles. It is traditionally made by mixing and heating soy sauce and sake (or mirin) and sugar (or honey). The sauce is boiled and reduced to the desired thickness, then used to marinate meat, which is then grilled or broiled. Sometimes ginger is added and the final dish may be garnished with spring onions. In North America, any dish made with a teriyaki-like sauce (often even those using foreign alternatives to sake), or with added ingredients such as sesame or garlic (uncommon in traditional Japanese cuisine), is described as teriyaki. Pineapple juice is sometimes used as it not only provides sweetness but also bromelain enzymes that help tenderize the meat.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Une gaufre est un mets de pâte légère cuite entre deux plaques métalliques, articulées entre elles par une ou des charnières, ornées de motifs qui s’impri­ment dans la pâte et donnent à la pâtisserie sa forme caracté­ristique. C’est un mets typique de la Belgique, des Pays-Bas, du Nord de la France, des régions alpines d’Italie (Val D’Aoste et Escartons) et de Suisse romande.

    La convergence lexicale entre oublie et gaufre vient du fait que ces deux pâtisseries légères étaient cuites par les oublieurs entre deux plaques de fer, mais la mince oublie était roulée en cylindre ou en cornet, tandis que la gaufre reste généralement plate. La base de la plupart des recettes utilise un mélange de farine de blé, de sel, de sucre, d'œufs ; on y ajoute un liquide (eau, lait, lait battu, beurre fondu), et éventuel­lement de la levure et des épices (sel, vanille, cannelle, etc.). D’autres aliments que le blé peuvent être utilisés : le maïs par exemple (qui donne une gaufre « épaisse comme la main », d’aspect compact, que les Bourguignons mangeaient fréquemment), la pomme de terre aussi (dont la présentation en gaufre se perpétue dans les pays anglo-saxons sous l’appellation Potato waffles) et même l’argile délayée avec du sucre au Tonkin.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Extraboldfrom €39

    A Gugelhupf or Gugelhopf is a southern German, Austrian, Swiss and Alsatian term for a marble cake or Bundt cake. It is usually eaten with coffee, at coffee breaks. Gugelhupf consists of a soft yeast dough which contains raisins, almonds and Kirsch­wasser cherry brandy.

    In late Medieval Austria, a Gugelhupf was served at major community events such as weddings, and was decorated with flowers, leaves, candles, and seasonal fruits. The name persisted through the Austro-Hungarian Empire, eventually becoming standardized in Viennese cookbooks as a refined, rich cake, flavored with rosewater and almond. Many regional variations exist, testifying to the widespread popularity of the Gugelhupf tradition. Some regional varieties (Czech, Hungarian and Slovenian) are also filled, often with a layer of sweetened ground poppy seeds. It is baked in a special circular pan with a central tube, originally made of enamelled pottery. Similar pans are used for making Bundt cakes, a cake baking pan shape in the US derived from the Gugelhupf.

  • JAF Bernina Sans, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    Lebkuchen, auch Pfeffer-, Gewürz- oder Honig­kuchen, ist ein Gebäck, das in Variationen vor allem in der Advents- und Weihnachts­zeit zubereitet wird. Gewerbs­mäßige Bäcker, die auf die Herstellung von Lebkuchen speziali­siert sind, nennt man Lebzelter, Lebküchler oder Lebküchner.

    Neben Honig als Süßungs­mittel und den orientalischen Gewürzen (vor allem Zimt, Nelken, Anis, weniger Kardamom, Koriander, Ingwer, Muskat) zeichnet sich der Lebkuchen vor allem dadurch aus, dass er ohne Hefe gebacken wird. Als Trieb­mittel wird stattdessen Hirsch­horn­salz oder Pottasche (oder auch beides) verwendet – Hirsch­horn­salz gibt dem rohen, noch ungebackenen Teig einen bitteren Geschmack, Pottasche hingegen ist eher geschmacks­neutral. Braune Lebkuchen werden aus einem knetbaren Teig hergestellt, der zum größten Teil aus Mehl (zum Teil auch Stärke) und Honig oder einem anderen dickflüssigen Süßungsmittel besteht. Hinzu kommen zumeist noch Eier, dagegen wird auf Wasser oder Milch und Fett weitgehend verzichtet. Zur Verfeinerung gibt man dem Teig zum Beispiel Mandeln, Nüsse oder Kandisstücke zu.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Lightfrom €39

    A pálpusztai sajt tehén­tejből készült, sózott, oltós alvasztású, rúzs­flórával érő, lágy, zsíros sajt. A pálpusztai sajt híres jellegzetesen erős, pikáns, enyhén ammóniás bukéjáról, ami egyébként minden rúzs­flórával érő sajt jelleg­zetessége. A sajttészta lágy, legfeljebb kevés apró erjedési vagy röglyuk található benne. Kis méret és tömeg, rövid érési idő jellemzi, kívülről befelé érik. Íze az érés folyamán alakul ki, a tárolás ideje alatt folyóssá válhat.

    A pálpusztai sajt egyike a kevés tradici­onális magyar sajtnak, noha története nem nyúlik vissza régre. Magyar­országon a 20. század eleje óta készítenek pálpusztai sajtot a sörkor­csolya (romadur) jellegű sajtok mintájára. Alakja általában hasáb vagy kocka. A rúzsflóra egy baktérium színtenyészet, amely obligát aerob, ami azért nő a sajt felületén, mert csak levegő mellett szaporodik. Enzimjei erőteljesen bontják a sajt fehérjéit, egészen az aminosavakig, a sajt zsírját pedig egészen a zsírsavakig. A pálpusztai sajt felületén, egy erősen fehérjebontó baktérium, a Brevibacterium linens tenyészet hozza létre a vörösesbarna nyálkás bevonatot. A rúzsflórával érő sajtok felületére, enyhén sós oldat formájában, kenegetéssel viszik fel a baktériumtenyészetet, majd az érlelés során 2-3 naponként átfordítják a sajtokat és újra bekenik a felületüket. Érdekesség, hogy a sajt érleléséhez használt Brevibacterium linens, az emberi bőrön is fellelhető baktérium. Részben ez a baktérium is közreműködik az ember testszagának kialakulásában.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Light Italicfrom €39

    Rösti is made with coarsely grated potato, either cooked or raw. Depend­ing on the frying tech­nique, butter or another fat may be added (and usually salt and pepper). If not, oil is used for the frying. Often rösti is simply shaped inside of the frying pan. They are most often pan-fried, but can also be baked in the oven.

    The grated potatoes are shaped into rounds or patties, usually measuring between 3–12 cm (1 to 5 inches) in diameter and 1–2 cm (0.5 inch) thick. Rösti are most often pan-fried and shaped in the frying pan during cooking, but they can also be baked in the oven. Although basic rösti consists of nothing but potato, a number of additional ingredients are sometimes added, such as bacon, onion, cheese, apple or fresh herbs. This is usually considered to be a regional touch. Rösti was originally a breakfast dish, commonly eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but is now eaten all over Switzerland and around the world. Rather than considering it a complete breakfast, it is more commonly served to accompany other dishes such as Spinat und Spiegelei (spinach and fried eggs, sunny side up), cervelas or Fleischkäse. In Swiss popular cultural ethos, rösti are predominantly eaten in German-speaking regions, although they can be found easily elsewhere in the country. Rösti dishes are portrayed as a stereotypical part of the Swiss-Germanic culture, as opposed to Latin culture.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Regularfrom €39

    Mayonnaise is made by slowly adding oil to an egg yolk, while whisking vigorously to disperse the oil. The oil and the water in yolks form a base of the emulsion, while lecithin and protein from the yolks are the emulsifiers that stabilize it. Additionally, a bit of a mustard may also be added to sharpen its taste, and further stabilize the emulsion. Mustard contains small amounts of lecithin.

    Modern mayonnaise can be made by hand with a whisk, or fork, or with the aid of an electric mixer or blender. It is made by slowly adding oil to an egg yolk, while whisking vigorously to disperse the oil. The oil and the water in the yolk form a base of the emulsion, while lecithin and protein from the yolk is the emulsifier that stabilizes it. A combination of van der Waals interactions and electrostatic repulsion determine the bond strength among oil droplets. The high viscosity of mayonnaise is attributed to the total strength created by these two intermolecular forces. Mayonnaise is used commonly around the world, and is also a base for many other chilled sauces and salad dressings. For example, sauce rémoulade, in classic French cuisine, is mayonnaise to which has been added mustard, gherkins, capers, parsley, chervil, tarragon, and possibly anchovy essence.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Italicfrom €39

    Metworst of boeren­met­worst is een harde gekruide worst gemaakt van stukjes varkens­vlees en varkens­vet. Metworst wordt tradi­ti­o­neel gegeten bij stamp­pot­ge­rech­ten als zuur­kool en boeren­kool, soms in combi­na­tie met een rook­worst. Tegen­woor­dig is metworst vooral in trek als snack, zoals de Gronin­ger metworst (met veel kruid­na­gel) of de mildere Friese metworst. In Drenthe bestaat de hardere variant koster­worst.

    Metworst werd van oorsprong gemaakt van snij­af­val, het met slaat op de kleine stukjes vlees die over­blij­ven bij het in stukken verde­len van vlees. Ook de droge worst is in dat opzicht een metworst. Droge worst is een streekgerecht, waarbij de worst na het vullen wordt opgehangen om te drogen. De smaak is afhankelijk van de toegevoegde kruiden. Kruidnagel is daarvan de meest gebruikte. Droge worst wordt als borrelhapje of tussendoortje gegeten. De worst wordt soms gekookt. Droge worst is ook in gebruik als ingrediënt van rauwkostsalades. De worsten worden gedroogd en/of gerookt op een mengsel van smeulende houtsnippers en turf. Er zijn verschillen in werkwijze en receptuur in Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe. De Groningse en Friese droge worst zijn aanzienlijk minder gedroogd dan de Drentse. De Groningse worst bevat meer kruidnagel dan de Friese. De Drentse worst, ook bekend als harde- of kosterworst, is wat vetter.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Semiboldfrom €39

    Blomme er en stenfrugt, der vokser på træer af slægten prunus (blommetræ). Frugten har en glat skræl og et sødt frugtkød. Blommer spises som de er eller kan syltes, koges til grød eller marmelade eller kan indgå i bagværk. Blommer kan tørres til svesker. De blommebærende træer kom fra Vestasien, men mere end 2.000 sorter dyrkes nu over hele verden.

    Blommen er rund eller oval, og størrelsen kan variere efter sorten; de største er på størrelse med et æble. Frugten er omgivet af en tynd skræl, der kan spises, selv om den er en smule bitter. Farven er grøn, gul, rød, blå eller nuancer af disse. Blommer har en stor sten i midten af frugten, og hos nogle varianter hænger frugtkødet fast på stenen, mens det hos andre sorter nemt slipper den. Frugtkødet er saftigt og aromatisk. Blommer er kaloriefattige og virker maveregulerende. Blommer indeholder en del vitamin A, calcium og jern. Svesker er blommer, der er konserveret ved sol- eller ovntørring; produceres især i Sydeuropa eller Californien. Blomme er et lille, løvfældende træ med en åben og stivgrenet vækstform. Stammen er kort, og grenene er opstigende og grove. Der findes i reglen ikke torne på selve træet, men af og til på “mirabelle”-vildskud.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    After the pomegranate is opened by scoring it with a knife and break­ing it open, the arils (seed casings) are separ­ated from the peel and internal white pulp membranes. Separ­at­ing the red arils is easier in a bowl of water because the arils sink and the ined­ible pulp floats. Freezing the entire fruit also makes it easier to separate. Another effective way of quickly harvesting the seeds is to cut the pomegranate in half, score each half of the exterior rind four to six times, hold the pomegranate half over a bowl, and smack the rind with a large spoon.

    Pomegranate juice can be sweet or sour, but most fruits are moderate in taste, with sour notes from the acidic ellagitannins contained in the juice. Pomegranate juice has long been a popular drink in Europe and the Middle East, and is now widely distributed in the United States and Canada. Dried pomegranate seeds, found in some natural specialty food markets, still contain some residual water, maintaining a natural sweet and tart flavor. Dried seeds can be used in several culinary applications, such as trail mix, granola bars, or as a topping for salad, yogurt, or ice cream. Ancient Egyptians regarded the pomegranate as a symbol of prosperity and ambition. The Greeks were familiar with the fruit far before it was introduced to Rome via Carthage, and it figures in multiple myths and artworks. The myth of Persephone, the goddess of the underworld, prominently features the pomegranate. In one version of the myth, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and taken off to live in the underworld as his wife.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Boldfrom €39

    Thinly sliced beef is usually used for sukiyaki. Like other nabemono dishes, each region has a preferred way of cooking sukiyaki. The key difference is between the western Kansai region and the eastern Kantō region. In the Kanto style, warishita (a mixture of sake, soy sauce, sugar, mirin and dashi) is poured and heated in a pot, then meat, vegetables and other ingredients are added and simmered together. In Kansai-style sukiyaki, meat is heated in the pot first.

    In Tokyo, the ingredi­ents are stewed in a prepared mixture of soy sauce, sugar, sake and mirin, whereas in Osaka, the meat is first grilled in the pan greased with tallow. After other ingredi­ents are put over these, the liquid is poured into the pan. The shungiku are added when all the ingredients are simmering. A raw egg is broken into a serving bowl, one egg for each person. The vegetables and meat used are different between the two styles. Because beef was expensive in the past, the use of pork was common in northern and eastern regions. Other ingredients added to modern sukiyaki include chicken (tori-suki), fish (uo-suki), udon noodles (udon-suki), negi, shiitake mushrooms, shirataki and slightly grilled tofu. In both styles, raw eggs are used as a dipping sauce and steamed rice with black sesame seeds is served.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Skilpadjies is a tradi­tional South African food, also known by other names such as “muise”, “vler­muise” and “po­fad­der”. The dish is lamb’s liver wrapped in netvet (caul fat), which is the fatty membrane that surrounds the kidneys.

    The balls, approx­im­ately 80mm in diamet­er, are normally grilled over an open char­coal fire and ready when the fat is crisp. Dishes such as skilpadjies had already been made by the ancient Romans and the German recipe for calf’s liver in caul fat appears in the book “Das Buoch von guoter Spise”. Pofadder is the largest version, the size of a man’s forearm. It is made from minced lamb’s liver wrapped in a large piece of netvet, and is usually served at parties where about 8 to 10 servings can be sliced from one pofadder when grilled. It is a very rich, high cholesterol and fatty food; the consumers normally eat some starchy food in the form of mealie pap or toasted bread with the skilpadjies, so as not to attract some symptoms of over-indulgence. The names skilpadjie (little tortoise), muise (mice), vlermuise (bats) and pofadder (puff adder) reflect its appearance.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Extraboldfrom €39

    In taste kefalotyri vaguely resembles Gruyere, except it is harder and saltier. A very hard cheese, it can be consumed as is, fried in olive oil for a dish called saganaki, or added to foods such as pasta dishes, meat, or cooked vege­tables, and is especially suited for grating.

    It is also used along with feta cheese in the vast majority of recipes for Spana­kopita, where many recipes say to substitute romano or parmesan if kefalotyri cannot be obtained. This is a popular and well-known cheese, estab­lishing its roots in Greece during the Byzantine era. It can be found in some gourmet or speciality stores in other countries. Young cheeses take two to three months to ripen. An aged kefalotyri, a year old or more, is drier with a stronger flavour, and may be eaten as a meze with ouzo, or grated on food. Feta is a soft brined white cheese with small or no holes, a compact touch, few cuts, and no skin. It is usually formed into large blocks, which are submerged in brine. Its flavor is tangy and salty, ranging from mild to sharp. The firm variety is tangier and considered higher in quality. The soft variety is almost soft enough to be spreadable, mostly used in pies and sold at a cheaper price.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Narrow, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    El pan con toma­te, una comida repre­sen­ta­tiva de Cata­luña, consiste en una reba­nada de pan con medio tomate maduro restre­gado y aliñado con aceite de oliva y sal. Es una comida tradi­c­io­nal de las cocinas cata­la­na, arago­nesa y bale­ar, similar a la brus­chetta ital­ia­na.

    Tiene ante­ce­den­tes en traba­ja­do­res anda­lu­ces, murc­ia­nos y extre­meños que emigra­ban hacia otras zonas de la península ibéri­ca. Está consi­de­rado como uno de los típicos ejem­plos que definen la dieta medi­terránea, exten­dido como receta tradi­c­io­nal por toda España. Se elabora frotando tomate crudo y maduro sobre una reba­nada de pan, prefe­ri­ble­mente de pagès, tostado o no, aliñado al gusto con sal y aceite de oliva. Si se desea, una vez tostado el pan y antes de untar el tomate, hay quien restriega ajo para darle sabor picante. En Mallorca el pa amb oli se elabora restregando una variedad de tomate denominada tomàtiga de ramellet, cultivada al efecto, de inferior tamaño, con un gusto ligeramente más salado y amargo que la variedad del resto de variedades del tomate, pudiendo incluso alcanzar los seis meses. Puede constituir entrante, acompañamiento y también plato principal, en cuyo caso suele acompañarse de embutidos, quesos, tortilla y salazones.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Lightfrom €39

    Der Punsch­krapfen ist eine öster­reichische Süßspeise. Es handelt sich um einen Würfel aus Biskuitteig, der mit einer Masse aus Marmelade, Rum oder Punsch und Schokolade gefüllt und mit einer rosa Glasur überzogen ist. Punsch­krapferl dienen mitunter als Reste­verwertung von altbacken gewordenen Biskuitteig­produkten, wobei der Inländerrum einen allfälligen Altgeschmack wirkungsvoll überdeckt.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Light Italicfrom €39

    Unagi is the Japan­ese word for fresh­wa­ter eel, espe­cially the Japan­ese eel, Anguilla japon­ica. Unagi is a common ingredi­ent in Japan­ese cook­ing. It is not to be confused with salt­water eel, which is known as anago in Japan­ese. Unakyu is a common expression used for sushi containing eel & cucumber. Due to the health hazards of eating raw freshwater fish, eels are always cooked, and in Japanese food, are often served with tare sauce. Unagi that is roasted without tare and only seasoned with salt is known as Shirayaki.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Regularfrom €39

    In Andalucía, most gazpacho recipes typically include stale bread, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar, water, and salt. Trad­itionally, gazpacho is made by pounding the vegetables using a mortar and pestle. This method is still sometimes favoured as it helps keep the gazpacho cool and avoids the foam and the completely smooth consist­ency created by blenders and food processors.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Regular Italicfrom €39

    Ogórki kiszo­ne, ogórki kwaszone – produkt spożyw­czy powszech­nie znany w Europie central­nej i wschod­niej. Powstaje z ogórków grun­to­wych złożonych w beczce lub słoju z dodat­kiem łodyg i baldachów kopru, korzeni chrza­nu, ząbków czosnku zala­nych wodą z solą, które podle­gają kisze­niu. Do kiszenia ogórków można dodać przyprawy: liście laurowe, ziarna gorczycy białej lub pieprzu czarnego. Niekiedy dodaje się do kiszenia ogórków liście wiśni, porzeczki czarnej, winorośli, chrzanu lub dębu.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Semiboldfrom €39

    In the absence of hard facts as to haggis’ origins, popular folklore has provided some theories. One is that the dish originates from the days of the old Scottish cattle drovers. When the men left the highlands to drive their cattle to market in Edinburgh the women would prepare rations for them to eat during the long journey down through the glens. They used the ingred­ients that were most readily available in their homes and conveni­ently packaged them in a sheep’s stomach allowing for easy transpor­tation during the journey.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    The most common kinds of meat chops are pork and lamb. A thin boneless chop, or one with only the rib bone, may be called a cutlet, though the difference is not always clear. Chops are gener­ally cut from pork, lamb, veal, or mutton, but also from game such as venison. They are cut perpen­dic­u­lar to the spine, and usually include a rib and a section of spine. They are typic­ally cut from 10–50 mm thick.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Boldfrom €39

    Chirashi­zushi is a bowl of sushi rice topped with a variety of sashimi and garnishes. Edomae chirashi­zushi is an uncooked ingredient that is arranged artfully on top of the sushi rice in a bowl. Gomoku­zushi consists of cooked or uncooked ingredients mixed in the body of rice in a bowl. There is no set formula for the ingred­ients; they are either chef’s choice or specified by the customer. It is commonly eaten because it is filling, fast and easy to make. Chirashi­zushi often varies regionally. It is eaten annually on Hinamatsuri in March.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Bibim­bap is a signa­ture Korean dish. The word liter­ally means “mixed rice”. Bibim­bap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned veget­ables) and gochu­jang (chili pepper paste). A raw or fried egg and sliced meat are common additions. The hot dish is stirred together thoroughly just before eating.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Extraboldfrom €39

    Słowo „pierogi” oznacza potrawę wykonaną z ciasta gotowa­nego, pieczonego lub smażonego na głębokim tłuszczu, cienko rozwał­kowanego i wypeł­nionego różno­rodnymi nadzie­niami. W Polsce jako nadzienie najczę­ściej występują: mięso, kiszona kapusta z grzybami, owoce sezonowe, kasza gryczana, twaróg – na słodko lub z ugotowanymi ziem­niakami i twarogiem z dodatkiem podsma­żonej cebuli. We wschod­niej Polsce bardzo popularną tradycyjną potrawą są pierogi z soczewicą.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Condensed, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    Regens­bur­ger sind Brühwürste aus feinem oder grobem Fleisch­brät mit einer Einlage aus Schwei­ne­fleisch. Typisch ist die kompakte Form mit einer Länge von etwa 10 cm und einem Durch­mes­ser von etwas über 4 cm. Zur Herstellung wird mageres Schweinefleisch fein gekuttert, mit Nitritpökelsalz und Gewürzen versetzt sowie mit kleinen Schweinefleischwürfeln vermischt. Anschließend wird die Masse in Rinderkranzdärme gefüllt, zu kurzen Würsten abgebunden, über Buchenholz geräuchert und schließlich gebrüht.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Lightfrom €39

    Kedjenou is a spicy stew that is slow-cooked in a sealed canari (terra-cotta pot) over fire or coals and prepared with chicken or guinea hen and vegetables. Preparation methods for the stew vary. Sometimes little or no added liquid is used in its preparation, allowing the meat to cook in its own juices, which tenderizes the meat and concentrates the flavors of the ingredients. Sometimes the dish is cooked in a wrapped and sealed banana leaf that is placed under hot coals. In Côte d’Ivoire the dish is traditionally served with Attiéké, a side dish made with grated cassava.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Light Italicfrom €39

    Il lievito natu­ra­le, chia­mato anche lievito acido, pasta acida, lievito madre, pasta madre e crescen­te, è un impasto di farina e acqua acidi­fi­cato da un complesso di lieviti e batteri lattici che sono in grado di avviare la fermen­ta­zio­ne.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Regularfrom €39

    Pripravuje sa z kyslej kapusty. Líši sa podľa regiónu a obdobia varenia na pôstnu a sviatočnú. Do pôstnej katolíckej vianočnej (Štedrý deň) sa nedáva mäso, zahusťuje sa napr. bielymi hladkými haluškami, smotanou a rozotreným zemiakom. V luteránskej kapustnici na Vianoce nájdeme aj mäso a všetky ostatné zložky. Vo sviatočnej nájdeme napr. údené mäso a klobásu. Nevy­hnutné sú sušené hríby. Vianočná kapust­nica sa tradične pripravuje na konci kalendár­neho roka.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Regular Italicfrom €39

    Lentils have been part of the human diet since the aceramic (be­fore pottery) Neolithic times, being one of the first crops domest­ic­ated in the Near East. Arche­olo­gical evid­ence shows they were eaten 9,500 to 13,000 years ago. Lentils are used worldwide to cook many different dishes. Lentil dishes are most widespread throughout South Asia, the Mediterranean regions and West Asia. Dal tadka (lentil soup) In the Indian subcontinent, lentil curry is part of the everyday diet, eaten with both rice and roti. Boiled lentils and lentil stock are used to thicken most vegetarian curries.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Semiboldfrom €39

    Le camembert est un fromage français à pâte molle à croûte fleurie fabriqué avec du lait de vache. Fromage parmi les plus consommés en France, il est devenu, avec la baguette de pain et le béret, l’une des caractéristiques distinctives de l’image des Français et de la France dans l’imagerie populaire internationale. Le suivi de la recette d’élaboration originelle de ce fromage est garanti uniquement par les fromageries qui respectent le cahier des charges de l’AOP camembert de Normandie ce qui les démarque de la simple appellation libre « camembert ».

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Cauli­flower can be roas­ted, boiled, fried, steamed, or eaten raw. Steam­ing or microwav­ing better preserves anti­c­an­cer compounds than boil­ing. When cook­ing, the outer leaves and thick stalks are removed, leaving only the florets. The leaves are also edible, but are most often discarded. The florets should be broken into similar-sized pieces so they are cooked evenly. After eight minutes of steam­ing, or five minutes of boil­ing, the florets should be soft, but not mushy.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Boldfrom €39

    Udon is a type of thick wheat flour noodle of Japanese cuisine. Like many Japanese noodles, udon noodles are served chilled in the summer and hot in the winter. Toppings are chosen to reflect the seasons. Most toppings are added without much cooking, although some are deep-fried. Many of these dishes may also be prepared with soba. Cold udon, or udon salad, is usually mixed with egg omelette slices, shredded chicken and fresh vegetables, such as cucumber and radish. Toppings of Udon soup are chosen to reflect the seasons.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Bold Italicfrom €39

    A gulyás, közeli roko­na­ival, a pörkölttel és a papri­kással szinte az egyedüli paraszt­ételek, amelyek a 19. században a polgári és a nemesi konyhában teljes mértékben létjo­gosult­ságot szereztek. A magyar konyha alapjait képező három ételfajta története elvá­lasztha­tatlan egymástól, sőt a forrá­sokból nagyon sokszor az sem derül ki egyértel­műen, hogy mely ételről van szó, ugyanis az elne­vezések hasz­ná­lata nem volt egységes, mint ahogy napja­inkban sem az.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Extraboldfrom €39

    Waterzooi is een typisch Gents recept gemaakt van kip of vis, groenten, room en aard­appelen. Het wordt opgediend als een soort soep samen met brood. Waar­schijnlijk was het oorspronkelijk middeleeuws gerecht op basis van zoet­watervis die in de Gentse rivieren, grachten, vesten en kanalen ruim voorhanden was. Onder meer de kwabaal werd voor waterzooi gebruikt. Wellicht werd de riviervis die oors­pronkelijk werd gebruikt voor het gerecht schaarser of ongezond door vervuiling van het water.

  • JAF Bernina Sans Compressed, Extrabold Italicfrom €39

    Dampf­nu­deln sind eine tradi­tio­nelle Mehl­speise der süddeut­schen Küche. Sie beste­hen aus Hefe­teig, der in einem Topf mit Deckel gleich­zei­tig gebra­ten und gedämpft wird, sodass sie einen knusp­ri­gen Boden und eine weiche Ober­fläche haben. Es gibt sie mit und ohne Füllung, wobei die pfälzi­sche Vari­ante grundsätz­lich ungefüllt ist. Die Dampfnudel kann beispielsweise mit Kraut, Salat, Gurken oder mit Pilzen in Rahmsoße als Hauptgericht serviert werden. Als Dessert kann die Dampfnudel auch mit warmer oder kalter Vanillesoße, Weinschaumsoße oder mit Kompott verzehrt werden.

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