JAF Lapture

Brand identity for horse breeding specialist Stáj MM Svinčice, designed by Filip Červenka

Brand identity for horse breeding specialist Stáj MM Svinčice, designed by Filip Červenka

Das Lalebuch, designed by Manja Hellpap and Lisa Neuhalfen

Improbatur magazine, designed by Antti Kyrö

“Der goldene Esel”, designed by Manja Hellpap

Tatort “Die Wahrheit” TV film titles

Art magazine for Le Carré, designed by GeneralPublic

“Gutenberg” by Klaus-Rüdiger Mai, designed by Manja Hellpap

“Gutenberg” by Klaus-Rüdiger Mai, designed by Manja Hellpap

Antle wine labels, designed by Stensland Design

Look!”, exhibition catalogue, designed by textgrafik

Look!”, exhibition catalogue, designed by textgrafik

Invitation card by Ganna Walska Lotusland Botanic Garden, designed by Stensland Design

Invitation card by Ganna Walska Lotusland Botanic Garden, designed by Stensland Design

Osteriet Hinge cheese packaging, designed by Søby’s

Osteriet Hinge cheese packaging, designed by Søby’s

JAF Lapture featured in Type Select, published by Hermann Schmidt Verlag

Source: weareparliament.com

Source: weareparliament.com

“Der Glanzrappe” by Robert Olmstead, designed by Christian Ide and Lisa Neuhalfen

“Der Glanzrappe” by Robert Olmstead, designed by Christian Ide and Lisa Neuhalfen

Source: fuelledbysocialalchemy.com

Invitation cards, designed by Polimekanos

“Elementarz stylu w typografii” by Robert Bringhurst, designed by Robert Oleś. Photo © Robert Oleś

Source: mostlikely.co.uk

“I Am Not I” by Boris Mikhailov, published by Mörel

“I Am Not I” by Boris Mikhailov, published by Mörel

Source: klausbender.de

Atlantico Rum branding

Atlantico Rum branding

Ibsenfestivalen 2014, designed by Uniform

Ibsenfestivalen 2016, designed by Gerilja Hansen

Ibsenfestivalen 2016, designed by Gerilja Hansen

Ibsenfestivalen 2016, designed by Gerilja Hansen

Source: inshadesmag.com

“Silence Inside”– Hungarian Pavilion at Leipzig Book Fair, designed by Lead82 Photo: ©Villányi & Salát

“Silence Inside”– Hungarian Pavilion at Leipzig Book Fair, designed by Lead82 Photo: ©Villányi & Salát

Isarkindl Bier branding, designed by Nina Bachmann

Koffmann & Mr. White’s restaurant branding

Kyma Media branding, designed by Supremo

Kyma Media branding, designed by Supremo

Eigensinn im Bruderland, website designed by Zoff Kollektiv

Eigensinn im Bruderland, website designed by Zoff Kollektiv

Isabel cocktail bar, Denver

Naughty Alchemist branding, designed by AM Copenhagen

Naughty Alchemist branding, designed by AM Copenhagen

JAF Lapture is based on Albert Kapr’s Leipzi­ger Antiqua typeface, released in 1971 by the East German foundry Typo­art. It has been digit­ized, exten­ded and care­fully redesigned by Tim Ahrens. A unique feature of this font is the intro­duc­tion of black­let­ter char­ac­ter­ist­ics into a roman typeface.
  • JAF Lapture Display, Regularfrom €39

    Cauli­flower can be roas­ted, boiled, fried, steamed, or eaten raw. Steam­ing or microwav­ing better preserves anti­c­an­cer compounds than boil­ing. When cook­ing, the outer leaves and thick stalks are removed, leaving only the florets. The leaves are also edible, but are most often discarded. The florets should be broken into similar-sized pieces so they are cooked evenly. After eight minutes of steam­ing, or five minutes of boil­ing, the florets should be soft, but not mushy.

  • JAF Lapture Display, Italicfrom €39

    A gulyás, közeli roko­na­ival, a pörkölttel és a papri­kással szinte az egyedüli paraszt­ételek, amelyek a 19. században a polgári és a nemesi konyhában teljes mértékben létjo­gosult­ságot szereztek. A magyar konyha alapjait képező három ételfajta története elvá­lasztha­tatlan egymástól, sőt a forrá­sokból nagyon sokszor az sem derül ki egyértel­műen, hogy mely ételről van szó, ugyanis az elne­vezések hasz­ná­lata nem volt egységes, mint ahogy napja­inkban sem az.

  • JAF Lapture Display, Semiboldfrom €39

    Dampf­nu­deln sind eine tradi­tio­nelle Mehl­speise der süddeut­schen Küche. Sie beste­hen aus Hefe­teig, der in einem Topf mit Deckel gleich­zei­tig gebra­ten und gedämpft wird, sodass sie einen knusp­ri­gen Boden und eine weiche Ober­fläche haben. Es gibt sie mit und ohne Füllung, wobei die pfälzi­sche Vari­ante grundsätz­lich ungefüllt ist.

  • JAF Lapture Display, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Bulgur can be used in pilafs, soups, bakery goods, or as stuff­ing. In breads, it adds a whole grain compon­ent. It is a main ingredi­ent in tabbouleh salad and kibbeh. Its high nutri­tional value makes it a good substi­tute for rice or couscous. In Indian cuisine, bulgur or daliya is used as a cereal with milk and sugar. In the United States is often used as a side dish, much like pasta or rice.

  • JAF Lapture Display, Boldfrom €39

    Molca­jete es el nombre que recibe en Améri­ca, en espe­c­ial en México y Centro­améri­ca, un tipo de mortero fabri­cado en piedra tallada en forma cónca­va, en el cual se macha­can y muelen espe­c­ias, granos y vege­ta­les en poca canti­dad. Existen diver­sos tipos de morte­ros y reciben dife­ren­tes nombres como por ejemplo el empe­lado en Japón son los deno­mi­na­dos suri­ba­chi y suri­ko­gi.

  • JAF Lapture Display, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Tradi­tion­ally, Spätzle are made by scrap­ing long, thin strips of dough off a wooden (some­times wet) chop­ping board (Spätzlebrett) into boiling salted water where they cook until they rise to the surface. Alto­geth­er, the dough should thus be as viscous as to slowly flow apart if cut into strips with a knife, yet hold the initial shape for some seconds.

  • JAF Lapture Subhead, Regularfrom €39

    First, meat is added to the trinity of celery, peppers, and onions; the meat is usually chicken and sausage such as andouille or smoked saus­age. Next veget­ables and toma­toes are added to cook, followed by seafood. Rice and stock are added in equal propor­tions at the very end. The mixture is brought to a boil and left to simmer for 20 to 60 minutes, depend­ing on the recipe, with infre­quent stir­ring.

  • JAF Lapture Subhead, Italicfrom €39

    Los cala­ma­res fritos son muy popu­la­res en los países medi­terráne­os. Suelen prepa­rarse en roda­jas, rebo­za­dos y fritos, con frec­uen­cia poco tiempo para evitar que se pongan dema­s­iado duros. Suelen presen­tarse con sal y limón (como muchos otros maris­cos, se acom­pañan de un trozo de limón para condi­men­tarlo al gusto), o con alguna salsa como maho­ne­sa, alio­li, salsa verde o tzat­zi­ki.

  • JAF Lapture Subhead, Semiboldfrom €39

    The shapes of zongzi range from being approx­im­ately tetra­hed­ral in north­ern China to an elong­ated cone in south­ern China. Wrap­ping a zongzi neatly is a skill that is passed down through famil­ies, as are the recipes. Making zongzi is tradi­tion­ally a family event of which every­one helps out.

  • JAF Lapture Subhead, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Surströmming luktar mycket kraf­tigt och smaken är salt. Ett sätt att äta surströmming är i en så kallad klämma. En klämma kan göras av två lika stora smörade bitar av hårt tunn­bröd med skivad eller mosad mandel­po­ta­tis) som kokats med skalet på och finförde­lad surströmming emellan som “kläms ihop” till en slags stor dubbel­macka som äts med händer­na.

  • JAF Lapture Subhead, Boldfrom €39

    In Japan­ese cuisine, many types of pickles are made with daikon, includ­ing takuan and bettarazuke. Daikon is also frequently used grated and mixed into ponzu, a soy sauce and citrus juice condi­ment. Simmered dishes are also popular such as oden. Daikon leaf is frequently eaten as a green veget­able. Pick­ling and stir frying are common. The daikon leaf is part of the Fest­ival of Seven Herbs, called suzushiro.

  • JAF Lapture Subhead, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Der Teig, aus dem die Sacher­torte besteht, wird auch als „Sa­cher­mas­se“ bezeich­net. Es handelt sich um eine eibe­tonte Masse ähnlich der Wiener Masse, die aber vergleichs­weise schwer ist und Scho­ko­lade oder Kakao enthält. Für die Füllung mit Marme­lade sind zwei Vari­an­ten üblich: In der ersten Vari­ante ist nur eine Marme­la­den­schicht vorhan­den, die sich direkt unter dem Scho­ko­la­denüber­zug befin­det.

  • JAF Lapture, Regularfrom €39

    La soupe à l’oignon se prépare en faisant brunir dans une matière grasse des oignons émincés.

    On y ajoute de l’eau, puis on laisse mijoter un peu avant de mettre la soupe dans des bols, que l’on passe au four durant quelques minutes. Cette soupe est servie chaude, en entrée. Elle peut être agré­mentée de gruyère râpé, de croûtons ajoutés au dernier moment et de diffé­rentes épices. C’est une soupe pour les repas ordinaires de famille. Mais c’est aussi un moyen de se restaurer en fin de soirée. Elle est alors consommée en dehors d’un repas, comme une boisson. En Auvergne, cette recette était traditionnellement faite par des bergers. Ceux-ci partaient en transhumance avec le bétail, et avec des matières faciles à conserver : oignons, saindoux ; ils faisaient leur fromage sur place avec le lait du bétail, vaches ou brebis. Si l’on veut faire une recette traditionnelle, on remplace le beurre par du saindoux, et le fromage par de la tomme de fromage, si possible de Saint-Nectaire.

  • JAF Lapture, Italicfrom €39

    The strong taste people asso­ci­ate with anchovies is due to the curing process.

    A tradi­tional method of processing and preserving anchovies is to gut and salt them in brine, allow them to mature, and then pack them in oil or salt. This results in a char­ac­ter­istic strong flavor and the flesh turns deep grey. Pickled in vineg­ar, as with Spanish boquer­ones, anchovies are milder and the flesh retains a white color. In Roman times, anchovies were the base for the fermen­ted fish sauce garum. Garum had a suffi­ciently long shelf life for long-distance commerce, and was produced in indus­trial quant­it­ies. Today they are used in small quant­it­ies to flavor many dishes. Because of the strong flavor, they are also an ingredi­ent in several sauces and condi­ments, includ­ing Worcester­shire sauce, Caesar salad dress­ing, remoulade, Gentle­man’s Relish, many fish sauces, and in some versions of Café de Paris butter.

  • JAF Lapture, Semiboldfrom €39

    Trdelník je tradiční sladké pečivo ve tvaru velké duté kremro­le.

    Vyrábí se z kynutého těsta, které se rozválené v pruzích navíjí na bukový válec (dnes také kovový) o průměru 8 až 10 cm a peče se v žáru dřevěného uhlí. Při pečení se otáčí, potírá mlékem až do té doby, dokud nezíská zlatočer­ve­nou barvu. Pak se z válce opatrně stáhne, aby se nepo­rušil tvar kremro­le. Histo­rie trdelníku ze Skali­ce, městečka na sloven­sko-morav­ském pomezí, se odvíjí z histo­rického Sedmi­hrad­ska. Odtud se s Maďary dostal do sloven­ské Skali­ce. V Maďar­sku je trdelník znám jako Kürtőskalács. Kremrole neboli trubička je sladký cukrářský výrobek, pečivo z listového těsta. Kremrole má tvar válce (německy Rolle), kdy těsto nařezané na proužky vhodné délky, je stáčeno do šroubovice a namotává se na speciální kuželovité trubičky, na kterých se následně peče. Dutina se vyplňuje po zchladnutí krémem, tradičně vyráběným

  • JAF Lapture, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    A full break­fast is regarded as a staple of tradi­tional British and Irish cuisine.

    A tradi­tional full English break­fast includes bacon, poached or fried eggs, fried or grilled toma­toes, fried mush­rooms, fried bread or toast with butter, saus­ages and baked beans, usually served with a mug of tea. As nearly everything is fried in this meal, it is commonly called a "fry-up". Black pudding is often added, as are fried leftover mashed pota­toes or hash browns. Origin­ally a way to use up leftover veget­ables from the main meal of the day before, bubble and squeak, shallow-fried leftover veget­ables with potato, has become a break­fast feature in its own right. Onions, either fried or in rings, occa­sion­ally appear. In Scotland, the full breakfast, as with others, contains eggs, back bacon, link sausage, buttered toast, baked beans, and tea or coffee. Distinctively Scottish elements include Scottish style or Stornoway black pudding, Lorne sausage, Ayrshire middle bacon and tattie scones.

  • JAF Lapture, Boldfrom €39

    El pan con tomate consiste en una reba­nada de pan con medio tomate maduro restre­gado y aliñado con aceite de oliva y sal.

    Es una comida tradi­c­io­nal de las cocinas cata­la­na, arago­nesa y bale­ar, similar a la brus­chetta ital­ia­na. Tiene ante­ce­den­tes en traba­ja­do­res anda­lu­ces, murc­ia­nos y extre­meños que emigra­ban hacia otras zonas de la península ibéri­ca. Está consi­de­rado como uno de los típicos ejem­plos que definen la dieta medi­terránea, exten­dido como receta tradi­c­io­nal por toda España. Se elabora frotando tomate crudo y maduro sobre una reba­nada de pan, prefe­ri­ble­mente de pagès (pan de payés), tostado o no, aliñado al gusto con sal y aceite de oliva. Si se desea, una vez tostado el pan y antes de untar el toma­te, hay quien restr­iega ajo para darle sabor pican­te.

  • JAF Lapture, Bold Italicfrom €39

    Les escargots de Bourgogne sont un mets classique à base d’escargots faisant partie de la cuisine ménagère bour­gui­gnonne en France.

    La préparation, longue sous sa forme usuelle, à base d’escargot de Bourgogne dit aussi gros blanc, est présentée logée au fond de la coquille et recou­verte de beurre addi­tionnée de persil haché et d’ail pilé, puis passée au four. En France, sous sa forme champêtre, le Helix pomatia est une espèce protégée dont la récolte est régle­mentée et sert donc majo­ritaire­ment à la cuisine ménagère. Les escargots servant pour élaborer des escargots de Bourgogne du commerce viennent essen­tielle­ment de la Grèce et des pays de l’Est et l’espèce employée tradi­tionnel­lement n’est souvent pas retenue. Spécialités bourguignonnes de la gastronomie bourguignonne, ils peuvent s’accorder entre autre en accords parfaits mets & vins, aux meilleurs et aux plus prestigieux vins blancs Grand cru et Premier cru de garde du vignoble de Bourgogne, dont les Meursault, Corton-charlemagne, et autres Chassagne-montrachet.

  • JAF Lapture Caption, Regularfrom €39

    Sunday roasts can be served with a range of boiled, steamed and/or roasted veget­ables.

    The veget­ables served vary season­ally and region­ally, but will usually include roast pota­toes, roasted in meat drip­ping or veget­able oil, and also gravy made from juices released by the roast­ing meat, perhaps supple­men­ted by one or more stock cubes, gravy brown­ing/thick­en­ing, roux or corn flour. The pota­toes can be cooked around the meat itself, absorb­ing the juices and fat directly. However, many cooks prefer to cook the pota­toes and the York­shire Pudding in a hotter oven than that used for the joint and so remove the meat before­hand to rest and “settle” in a warm place. Other vegetable dishes served with roast dinner can include mashed swede or turnip, roast parsnip, boiled or steamed cabbage, broccoli, green beans and boiled carrots and peas. In Scotland, the full breakfast, as with others, contains eggs, back bacon, link sausage, buttered toast, baked beans, and tea or coffee. Distinctively Scottish elements include Scottish style or Stornoway black pudding, Lorne sausage, Ayrshire middle bacon and tattie scones.

  • JAF Lapture Caption, Italicfrom €39

    Die tradi­tio­nelle Zube­rei­tung von Polenta ist einfach, aber kraftrau­bend.

    Nachdem man Mais­grieß langsam in kochen­des Salz­was­ser eingerührt hat, muss die schwere Masse beständig bis zu einer Stunde lang gerührt werden, damit sie eine glatte Konsis­tenz erhält und nicht zu stark anbrennt. Wird Polenta in großen Töpfen für mehrere Tage zube­rei­tet, bildet sich an der Topf­wand eine erwünschte braune Krus­te. Die fertige Polenta wird auf ein befeuch­te­tes Holz­brett gege­ben, etwas flach­ge­stri­chen und mit einer Schnur in dicke Schei­ben geschnit­ten. Man kann sie auch erst erkal­ten lassen und dann in Schei­ben schnei­den, um sie in Butter oder auf dem Grill zu braten. Als Arme-Leute-Essen hat auch eine süße Variante Verbreitung gefunden. Die Zubereitung ist einfach und besteht darin, den Brei aus Maisgrieß ähnlich einem Milchreis oder Grießbrei zu erwärmen.

  • JAF Lapture Caption, Semiboldfrom €39

    Os pastéis de nata são uma das mais popu­la­res espe­ci­a­li­da­des da doçaria portu­gue­sa.

    Embora se possam sabo­rear pastéis de nata em muitos cafés e paste­la­ri­as, a receita origi­nal é um segredo exclu­sivo da Fábrica dos Pastéis de Belém, em Lisboa. Aí, tradi­ci­o­nal­men­te, os pastéis de Belém comem-se ainda quen­tes, polvi­lha­dos de canela e açúcar em pó. Em 1837, em Belém, próximo ao Mosteiro dos Jeróni­mos, numa tenta­tiva de subsistência, os cléri­gos do mosteiro puseram à venda numa loja preci­sa­mente uns pastéis de nata. Nessa época, a zona de Belém ficava longe da cidade de Lisboa e o seu acesso era asse­gu­rado por barcos a vapor. A presença do Mosteiro dos Jeróni­mos e da Torre de Belém atraíam inúme­ros turis­tas que depressa se habi­tu­a­ram aos pastéis de Belém. Pour la dégustation, une fourchette à escargot et une pince à escargot peuvent êtres utilisés. Ils peuvent être également servis sans coquille à l’assiette, ou sous forme de cassole individuelle, ou pour agrémenter divers plats.

  • JAF Lapture Caption, Semibold Italicfrom €39

    Esiteol­li­seen aikaan leipäjuus­toa valmis­tet­tiin kesäisin ja syksyi­sin, kun maitoa oli saata­vil­la.

    Juusto oli juhla­ruo­kaa, ja sitä annet­tiin palkaksi esimer­kiksi heinänte­koväel­le. Leipäjuusto kuivat­tiin ja säilöttiin esimer­kiksi ruis­laa­rissa jyvien seas­sa, missä se säilyi jopa vuosia. Kuiva, kivi­kova leipäjuusto pehmeni hiil­lok­sella lämmi­tettäessä. Juustoa lisättiin paloina myös erilai­siin keit­to­ruo­kiin. Aikai­sem­min leipäjuus­toa valmis­tet­tiin paikal­li­sissa ja alueel­li­sissa meije­reissä. Meije­ri­koon kasvet­tua leipäjuus­ton teol­lista valmis­ta­mista ei Suomessa enää jatkettu suurem­missa meije­reissä, vaan se jäi lähinnä pienten yksi­tyis­ten meije­rei­den ja juus­to­loi­den varaan, jotka hank­ki­vat maitonsa sopi­mus­mai­to­ti­loil­ta. Perinteisesti leipäjuusto tarjoiltiin vinoneliön muotoisina paloina kahvin kanssa. Päälle voi ripotella vähän sokeria. Uusperinnettä on leipäjuuston tarjoaminen lämmitettynä jälkiruoaksi lakkahillon ja joskus kerman kanssa. Leipäjuusto on maukasta myös grillattuna.

  • JAF Lapture Caption, Boldfrom €39

    Gołąbki – potrawa półmięsna z farszu zawi­niętego w rolki z liści białej kapusty głowia­stej.

    Trady­cyj­nymi skład­ni­kami farszu są mielone mięso wieprzowe i ryż lub kasza oraz dalsze dodat­ki, jak np. cebu­la, grzyby i przy­pra­wy. Istnieją także inne warianty nadzie­nia np. z mięsem drobio­wym, bara­niną lub bez mięsa. Przed poda­niem gołąbki są duszone/smażone na tłuszczu. Na Kresach znane są też pieczone gołąbki zawi­jane w kwaszone liście kapu­sty, poda­wane głównie jako potrawa wigi­lij­na. Na Wigilię robione są z farszem z kaszy grycza­nej, nato­miast w ciągu roku - farszem może być mięso mielone z kaszą gryczaną lub ryżem. Farsz zawi­jany jest liście kiszo­nej w całości kapusty białej. Po zawi­nięciu gołąbki piecze się w zamkniętym naczy­niu.

  • JAF Lapture Caption, Bold Italicfrom €39

    In East Asian cuisine, the azuki bean is commonly eaten sweetened.

    In partic­u­lar, it is often boiled with sugar, result­ing in red bean paste (an), a very common ingredi­ent in all of these cuisines. It is also common to add flavor­ing to the bean paste, such as chest­nut. Red bean paste is used in many Chinese dishes, such as tangy­uan, zong­zi, moon­cakes, baozi and red bean ice. It also serves as a filling in Japan­ese sweets like anpan, dorayaki, imagawayaki, manjū, monaka, anmitsu, taiyaki and daifuku. A more liquid version, using azuki beans boiled with sugar and a pinch of salt, produces a sweet dish called red bean soup. Azuki beans are also commonly eaten sprouted, or boiled in a hot, tea-like drink. Some Asian cultures enjoy red bean paste as a filling or topping for various kinds of waffles, pastries, baked buns or biscuits.

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