JAF Facit
- JAF Facit, Extralightfrom €39
The grated potatoes are shaped into rounds or patties, usually measuring between 3–12 cm (1 to 5 inches) in diameter and 1–2 cm (0.5 inch) thick. Rösti are most often pan-fried and shaped in the frying pan during cooking, but they can also be baked in the oven. Although basic rösti consists of nothing but potato, a number of additional ingredients are sometimes added, such as bacon, onion, cheese, apple or fresh herbs. This is usually considered to be a regional touch. Rösti was originally a breakfast dish, commonly eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but is now eaten all over Switzerland and around the world. Rather than considering it a complete breakfast, it is more commonly served to accompany other dishes such as Spinat und Spiegelei (spinach and fried eggs, sunny side up), cervelas or Fleischkäse.
- JAF Facit, Extralight Italicfrom €39
Bloedworst is een worst gewoonlijk bestaande uit een mengsel van bloed (meestal van het varken, maar er bestaat ook runderbloedworst), vet of reuzel (smout), spek, kruiden en vulmiddelen (rogge, brood, gerst, en/of havermout). Het is een bijproduct van de slacht en werd vroeger traditioneel in de herfst gemaakt.sIn Drenthe bestaat de hardere variant kosterworst. Metworst werd van oorsprong gemaakt van snijafval, het met slaat op de kleine stukjes vlees die overblijven bij het in stukken verdelen van vlees. Ook de droge worst is in dat opzicht een metworst. In Noord-Holland (en wellicht ook elders) noemt men de gekookte worst ook metworst. In het Twents is de metworst onderdeel van een spreekwoord: In Twente hoalt ze van een kot gebed en nen langen mettworst. Dat wil zoveel zeggen als: houd het kort (praten).
- JAF Facit, Lightfrom €39
Another very effective way of quickly harvesting the arils is to cut the pomegranate in half, score each half of the exterior rind four to six times, hold the pomegranate half over a bowl and smack the rind with a large spoon. The arils should eject from the pomegranate directly into the bowl, leaving only a dozen or more deeply embedded arils to remove. Pomegranate aril juice provides about 16% of an adult’s daily vitamin C requirement per 100 ml serving, and is a good source of vitamin B, potassium and flavonoids. The entire seed is consumed raw, though the watery, tasty aril is the desired part. The taste differs depending on the subspecies of pomegranate and its ripeness. The pomegranate juice can be very sweet or sour, but most fruits are moderate in taste, with sour notes from the acidic tannins contained in the aril juice.
- JAF Facit, Light Italicfrom €39
The balls, approximately 80mm in diameter, are normally grilled over an open charcoal fire and ready when the fat is crisp. Dishes such as skilpadjies had already been made by the ancient Romans and the German recipe for calf’s liver in caul fat appears in the book “Das Buoch von guoter Spise”. Pofadder is the largest version, the size of a man’s forearm. It is made from minced lamb’s liver wrapped in a large piece of netvet, and is usually served at parties where about 8 to 10 servings can be sliced from one pofadder when grilled. It is a very rich, high cholesterol and fatty food; the consumers normally eat some starchy food in the form of mealie pap or toasted bread with the skilpadjies, so as not to attract some symptoms of over-indulgence. The names skilpadjie (little tortoise), muise (mice), vlermuise (bats) and pofadder (puff adder) reflect its appearance.
- JAF Facit, Regularfrom €39
Tiene antecedentes en trabajadores andaluces, murcianos y extremeños que emigraban hacia otras zonas de la península ibérica. Está considerado como uno de los típicos ejemplos que definen la dieta mediterránea, extendido como receta tradicional por toda España. Se elabora frotando tomate crudo y maduro sobre una rebanada de pan, preferiblemente de pagès, tostado o no, aliñado al gusto con sal y aceite de oliva. Si se desea, una vez tostado el pan y antes de untar el tomate, hay quien restriega ajo para darle sabor picante. En Mallorca el pa amb oli se elabora restregando una variedad de tomate denominada tomàtiga de ramellet, cultivada al efecto, de inferior tamaño, con un gusto ligeramente más salado y amargo que la variedad del
- JAF Facit, Regular Italicfrom €39
Lake Hamana in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka prefecture is considered to be the home of the highest quality unagi; as a result, the lake is surrounded by many small restaurants specializing in various unagi dishes. Unagi is often eaten during the hot summers in Japan. Unakyu is a common expression used for sushi containing eel & cucumber. Due to the health hazards of eating raw freshwater fish, eels are always cooked, and in Japanese food, are often served with tare sauce. Unagi that is roasted without tare and only seasoned with salt is known as Shirayaki. Unagi is high in protein, vitamin A, and calcium. Seafood Watch, a sustainable seafood advisory list, recommends that consumers avoid eating unagi due to significant pressures on worldwide freshwater eel populations. All three eel species used as unagi have seen their population sizes greatly reduced in the past half century.
- JAF Facit, Semiboldfrom €39
Do kiszenia ogórków można dodać przyprawy: liście laurowe, ziarna gorczycy białej lub pieprzu czarnego. Niekiedy dodaje się do kiszenia ogórków liście wiśni, porzeczki czarnej, winorośli, chrzanu lub dębu. Ogórków kiszonych używa się jako zakąski do wielu potraw. Są produktem podawanym do obiadu jako dodatek do ziemniaków, jako składnik sałatek czy też kanapek. Czasem są stosowane jako zakąska do wódki i śledzia w oleju z cebulą. Są podstawowym składnikiem zupy ogórkowej. Ogórki kwaszone przez kilka dni to ogórki małosolne, a przez dłuższy czas – ogórki kiszone. Kiszenie i kwaszenie są równoważnymi terminami, które mogą być używane zamiennie. Ogórek kwaszony i ogórek kiszony to synonimy oznaczające dokładnie ten sam produkt: ogórek poddany naturalnemu procesowi fermentacji mlekowej, w wyniku którego cukry proste obecne w komórkach roślinnych zostają przekształcone do kwasu mlekowego.
- JAF Facit, Semibold Italicfrom €39
The most common kinds of meat chops are pork and lamb. A thin boneless chop, or one with only the rib bone, may be called a cutlet, though the difference is not always clear. The term "chop" is not usually used for beef, but a T-bone steak is essentially a loin chop, and a rib steak a rib chop. Chops are sometimes beaten with the side of a cleaver or with a meat mallet to make them thinner and more tender. Chops may be cooked in various ways, including grilling, pan-broiling, sautéeing, braising, breading and frying, and baking. Lamb chops are often cooked with dry heat, grilled or pan-broiled. Pork chops and veal chops are grilled, sautéed, or braised, or breaded and fried (milanese). In South Africa and Namibia the traditional way of cooking chops is to grill them outdoor over open fire coals, called braaiing.
- JAF Facit, Boldfrom €39
A variation of this dish, dolsot bibimbap, is served in a very hot stone bowl in which a raw egg is cooked against the sides of the bowl. The bowl is so hot that anything that touches it sizzles for minutes. Before the rice is placed in the bowl, the bottom of the bowl is coated with sesame oil, making the layer of the rice touching the bowl golden brown and crisp. This dish was traditionally eaten on the eve of the lunar new year as the people at that time felt that they had to get rid of all of the leftover side dishes before the new year. The solution to this problem was to put all of the leftovers in a bowl of rice and to mix them together. Bibimbap is also thought to have been eaten by farmers during farming season as it was the easiest way to make food for a large number of people.
- JAF Facit, Bold Italicfrom €39
Als „Original Regensburger“ dürfen nur im engeren Stadtgebiet hergestellte Würste bezeichnet werden. Umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung im Regensburger Raum ist „Knacker“. Zur Herstellung wird mageres Schweinefleisch fein gekuttert, mit Nitritpökelsalz und Gewürzen versetzt sowie mit kleinen Schweinefleischwürfeln vermischt. Anschließend wird die Masse in Rinderkranzdärme gefüllt, zu kurzen Würsten abgebunden, über Buchenholz geräuchert und schließlich gebrüht. Regensburger können heiß oder kalt gegessen werden. Sie sind auch Grundlage für den Regensburger Wurstsalat, der mit einer Marinade aus Essig, Öl, gehackten Zwiebeln und Senf zubereitet wird. Als „Regensburger-Semmel mit allem“ wird die gebratene und der Länge nach halbierte Wurst mit süßem Senf, Meerrettich und einigen Scheiben Gewürzgurke in einer Semmel als Imbiss angeboten.
- JAF Facit, Extraboldfrom €39
A differenza del cosiddetto lievito di birra, il lievito naturale comprende, tra i lieviti, diverse specie di batteri lattici eterofermentanti ed omofermentanti del genere Lactobacillus, la cui fermentazione produce acidi organici, consentendo una maggiore crescita del prodotto e una maggiore digeribilità e conservabilità. Contrariamente a quanto avviene per il lievito di birra inoltre, la lievitazione acida è molto più lenta e richiede una lavorazione più complessa: ciò porta ad uno svantaggio nell’utilizzo del lievito naturale a livello industriale per via lunghi tempi di lievitazione richiesti. Di contro però, numerose proprietà positive sono riconosciute alla lievitazione naturale, tra cui la proteolisi operata dai batteri lattici che comporta una maggiore digeribilità delle proteine; gli aminoacidi rilasciati dalla proteolisi batterica sono molti di più rispetto alla lievitazione con lievito di birra; biodisponibilità maggiore dei minerali. È probabilmente il lievito più importante nell’ambito dell’alimentazione umana e il suo utilizzo è noto fin dall’antichità per la panificazione e la produzione di birra e vino.
- JAF Facit, Extrabold Italicfrom €39
Proteins include the essential amino acids isoleucine and lysine, and lentils are an essential source of inexpensive protein in many parts of the world, especially in West Asia and the Indian subcontinent, which have large vegetarian populations. Lentil is hypogeal, which means the cotyledons of the germinating seed stay in the ground and inside the seed coat. Therefore, it is less vulnerable to frost, wind erosion, or insect attack. The plant is a diploid, annual, bushy herb of erect, semierect, or spreading and compact growth and normally varies from 30 to 50 cm (10 to 20 in) in height. It has many hairy branches and its stem is slender and angular. The rachis bears 10 to 15 leaflets in five to eight pairs. Lentils are self-pollinating. The flowering begins from the lowermost buds and gradually moves upward, so-called acropetal flowering. About two weeks are needed for all the flowers are open on the single branch. At the end of the second day and on the third day after the opening of the flowers, they close completely and the colour begins to fade. After three to four days, the setting of the pods takes place.
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